Friday, February 8th, 2019

French 10

  • Today we watched the video about Trotro

  • We used pictures to practise retelling the story
  • We practised using the vocabulary for daily routines by doing the exercises on page 13

French 11

  • Fill in your food journal. We will be using it for conversations on Monday.
  • Start making changes to your routine as needed to investigate your inquiry question  — remember to record what you do (along with the effects)
  • Analyze the data you collected while you surveyed your classmates this week. What did you learn about their lifestyles?
  • Your second draft of the story summary is due on Monday.

French 12

  • Rewatch the short video with the transcription
  • Transcription les avantages….-1m9wqyo
  • Make a list of what you understand & new words from the text
  • What questions would you ask these people who currently work and speak in both languages?





Thursday, February 7th, 2019

French 10

  • Review vocabulary, expressions and language structures  Ex:  “It’s mine. It’s hers. It’s yours.” + daily routine actions + words to contrast or connect ideas.

French 11

  • Fill in your food journal for today
  • Start making changes to your routine as needed to investigate your inquiry question  — remember to record what you do (along with the effects)
  • Spend time reviewing the food vocabulary on page 4 of your unit package
  • Your second draft of the story summary is due on Monday at the latest.

French 12

  • Finish writing your paragraph to answer the question “Qui suis-je?”
  • Remember to include details to explain the words you use to describe yourself (“how” & “why”)
  • Check that you have included connecting words
  • We will be sharing paragraphs with partners tomorrow & asking/answering questions about ourselves