French 9
It’s Virtual Wednesday and you have an assignment due this afternoon!
- Please download this Word document & save it to the French folder you have created on your laptop Answering Ques Oct 7th
- Review your notes on the structures
- Answer the questions directly on the Word document using your French package & notes to assist you
- Upload your assignment to Teams before 4:00 TODAY
Be prepared for the learning check ins this week! Please do the following:
- Memorize the meaning of the ER verbs on p 32
- Review the school vocab on p 23 (including the notes at the bottom of the page)
French 11
Continue your country research. Remember to include:
- Population, language, capital city, flag, official languages
- Connection to & history with France
- Location in the world & features of landscape
- Cultural Info…avoid stereotypes! Look at different resources. Find out about beliefs, cultural celebrations, food, dress, what people do & how they live
- Contributions to the world? Well-known people?
- Tourism?
If you were away today, remaining countries or departments are:
- Burkina Faso
- Benin
- Djibouti
- Comores
- New Caledonia
- Saint-Martin
- Wallis and Futuna
- Saint-Barthélemy
- Réunion
- Guadeloupe
- Martinique
- French Guiana
- Mayotte
The rough copy of your info graphic is due on Tuesday, October13th. If you are working directly on paper, you will submit your rough draft of text to me in class. If working digitally, you will upload your info graphic to Teams before class and I will print it.
*Remember to site sources!