French 9
All Students:
C’est la fin des aventures de Napoleon!
- Re-read the last Napoléon story here Le vieux Napoléon
- Listen to the audio here
- Before your next class, make sure you have
- completed your ‘spot the error’ class work & work from the beginning of the week that we have not yet reviewed together
- worked through the food exercises on p 53-58
***End of unit Napoléon conversations & interpretive evaluations will be on Monday/Tuesday next week
***Presentational writing assessment will be on Thursday/Friday next week
French 10
- Use the following link to complete the interpretive work about Alice à Paris on pages 5-9 of your new unit
- Over the weekend, watch this episode from Season 2 of the series to find out why Alice moved to Paris & be prepared to discuss in class