FR 10 Bloc 3
For class today, students
- reviewed new vocab from yesterday’s work
- read Une Vente de Garage with partners on p 84-86
For next week
- make sure you have re-read the story & completed the comprehension questions in full sentences on p 87-88
***Start preparing for your end of semester conversations, scheduled for long block on Thurs, June 16th
Partner conversations should cover a variety of the themes we’ve discussed in class & show that you can participate in spontaneous conversation. No text will be allowed. Save screenshots on your phone.
- use a variety of vocabulary, structures & expressions/reactions
- challenge yourself to describe & explain
- include details
- remember to ask relevant follow up questions
- themes: daily life, family & friends, free time activities, preferences, school, food, where you live
***Three new ‘describing my house’ tasks have been added the Language Gym to help you acquire the vocab & use it in sentences.
FR 11 Bloc 4
For class today, students
- listened to Évangéline & filled in the blanks on p 25
- listened again with this video & English subtitles
- reviewed Chapter 4, 5 & 6 work
- continued reading with partners
For class next week
- make sure you have finished reading up to the end of Chapter 9 & completed the question work for Monday
*** We will finish the novel on Tuesday.
*** End of Semester write is scheduled for the long block on Wednesday.
***I have re-opened the Language Gym task to work on le futur simple & added one for le subjonctif. There are two tasks still open to practise le conditionnel.
FR 12 Bloc 5
In class today, students
- discussed Chapters 22-24 of the novel
- continued reading & working through comprehension activities for Chapters 25
Pas de devoirs! Amusez-vous bien ce weekend de “Grad Dinner Dance & After Grad” 🙂