FR 11 Block 2
For class today
Make sure that you finished listening to Alice Ayel tell the story of Joan of Arc & took notes to show what you understood in p 15
FR 9 Block 3
To be ready for tomorrow
End of unit assessment: interpretive listening & reading and a writing task (some sentences).
Focus on
- language to describe people (physical & character traits)
- vocabulary for clothing
- the verb ‘mettre’
Make sure that you completed questions # 1 – 7 on p 22 for Napoléon et le chien méchant
You can re-read the story here Book 5 Napoléon et le chien méchant
You can listen to the story here
FR 10 Block 5
To be ready for tomorrow
Make sure that you completed the dialogue on p 81 using the menu on p 80