Wednesday, January 30th, 2019

French 10

  • Review vocabulary & phrases from today’s conversations + the handout
  • Preview “mon agenda” in the handout – what do you understand? which words are new?

French 11

  • Re-read La fille paresseuse
  • Answer questions 1 – 15 in full sentences

French 12

  • Review new vocabulary and expressions from Petit Nicolas   Je quitte la maison
  • Answer questions 1 – 17
  • Rewatch the episode on YouTube. See if you can understand more words & phrases this time!



Tuesday, January 29th, 2019

French 10

  • Write 4 sentences about yourself using your reading from today to help you

French 11

  • Re-read La fille paresseuse
  • Highlight new or forgotten words
  • Practise saying the personal questions aloud

French 12

  • Finish Le petit Nicolas questions



Monday, January 28th, 2019

Welcome to my new students in French 10, French 11 and French 12!

Sorry for the late post this evening.

I’m looking forward to a great semester with all of you. Homework, reminders and links to short video clips or readings will be posted here for you.

For tomorrow, please remember to return your completed questionnaire (if you didn’t already hand it in).

Make sure you start the semester on the right foot …  go to bed early so you feel refreshed and ready to learn!



Friday, January 14th, 2019

French 9

Great job with your conversations in French class today! Hourra!

  • Prepare for next week’s assessment by reviewing the basics structures and vocabulary from the semester.
  • Review invitations & excuses on page 32 of your current unit package
  • Monday, Jan 14:  Listening and writing tasks
  • Tuesday, Jan 15:  More conversation!


French 11

Schedule for our last week together:

Monday:  Work on film project

Tuesday:  Work on film project

Wednesday:  Double block schedule starts (No French 11 class)   |  Block 3 French class must submit USB or link to film

Thursday:  Block 3 French students present their short French-language films & complete end of semester self-assessment  |    Block 4 French class must submit USB or link to film

Friday:  Block 5 French students present their short French-language films & complete end of semester self-assessment