Wednesday, June 14, 2023

FR 11  Bloc 2

Français 11 Team

The Language Gym

For class today

  • Make sure that you finished reading the book & the informative texts in your unit package
  • Read through the following powerpoint with your partner 

12 Acadie TG Slideshow Acadien a Cajun 

Thursday … interpretive listening and reading

Friday … final conversations about the book 

***Monday, June 19th … end of semester in-class write | return novel | semester reflection


FR 10  Bloc 3

Français 10 Team

The Language Gym

To be ready for class this week

Thursday … End of semester write 

Friday …  End of semester conversations

*** Tuesday, June 20th – End of semester reflection & final assessment of French 10 skills. Bring a fully charged laptop so that you can access the online Language Gym class. 


FR 12  Bloc 5

Français 12 Team

The Language Gym

To be ready for class this week

Thursday … Petit Prince Show & Tell Fr 12 montre et raconte criteria

Friday … End of semester reflection  & Petit Prince film critique (article)

***Tuesday, June 20th – Petit Prince film & final conversations









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