Monday, December 4, 2023

FR 9  Block 2

Français 9 Team

The Language Gym

To be ready for tomorrow

Make sure that you completed the work for Chez la vieille dame on p 8-10

You can re-read the story here Chez la vieille dame Chez la vieille dame

You can listen to the story here

*** Some Unit 2 review & assessment will be happening on Wednesday. Spend some time reviewing the vocabulary and structures you learned throughout the unit. You will be answering written questions in French.

FR 10  Block 3

Fr 10 Block 3 Team

The Language Gym

To be ready for tomorrow

Make sure that

  • you wrote your list of strategies for managing stress (en français) on p 91
  • you finished reading the paragraph on building self-esteem on p 92 & responded to the questions


FR 10  Block 4

Fr 10 Block 4 Team

The Language Gym

Make sure that

  • you wrote your list of strategies for managing stress (en français) on p 91
  • you finished reading the paragraph on building self-esteem on p 92 & responded to the questions


FR 11  Block 5

Français 11 Team

The Language Gym

To be ready for the rest of the week

Tuesday: Listening interpretive 

Wednesday: Reading interpretive (using phrases and vocab from your unit booklet)

Thursday (possibly Friday): End of unit Writing