Wednesday, October 31st, 2018

French 9

Joyeuse Halloween à tous!

  • Thursday, November 1st:  interpersonal assessment
  • * Are you ready to greet partners and ask/answer questions on a variety of topics? Prépare-toi!
  • Friday, November 2nd: portfolio review & evaluation of skills & goal setting


French 11

Joyeuse Halloween!

Tuesday, October 30th, 2018

French 9

Even though it’s Hallowe’en, you have an assessment tomorrow! Wear a costume! It will make the assessment more fun!

  • Wednesday, October 31st: weather phrases
  • * Do you know how to answer questions about yesterday’s, today’s or tomorrow’s weather? Prépare-toi!
  • Thursday, November 1st:  interpersonal assessment
  • * Are you ready to greet partners and ask/answer questions on a variety of topics? Prépare-toi!
  • Friday, November 2nd: portfolio review & evaluation of skills & goal setting


French 11

  • Interpretive Reading Assessment: Wednesday, Oct 31st

Friday, October 26th, 2018

French 9

  • Tuesday, October 30th: presentational writing assessment *Show what you can do with the language you have learned so far this semester
  • Wednesday, October 31st: weather phrases (past, present, future)
  • Thursday, November 1st:  interpersonal assessment (conversations with partners)


French 11

  • Practise writing sentences with would (verb + imparfait ending), could (pourr + imparfait endings), should (devr + imparfait endings)
  • Review your notes on sentences that have a ‘possibility’ statement + ‘if’ OR ‘but’
  • Prepare to share Field Study question, actions and observation in small groups on Mon, Oct 29th + mini text written in class on Monday
  • Presentational Writing Assessment:  Tuesday, Oct 30th
  • Interpretive Reading Assessment: Wednesday, Oct 31st

Thursday, October 25th, 2018

French 9

  • Interpretive assessment tomorrow, October 26th
  • Next Tuesday, October 30th: presentational writing assessment
  • Wednesday, October 31st: weather phrases (past, present, future)
  • Thursday, November 1st:  interpersonal assessment (conversations with partners)


French 11

  • Prepare for Interpersonal Assessment this Friday |  You must be able to talk about your diet, grocery shopping and food preparation at your house & give suggestions or make comments to friends
  • Practise writing sentences with would (verb + imparfait ending), could (pourr + imparfait endings), should (devr + imparfait endings)
  • Review your notes on sentences that have a ‘possibility’ statement + ‘if’ OR ‘but’
  • Keep working through your field study exploration. Results will be discussed on MON, OCT 29TH.

Wednesday, October 24th, 2018

French 9

  • Practise asking and answering questions with ER verbs and irregular verbs on p. 23-24 of your unit package
  • Keep working with school vocabulary and classroom expressions
  • Practise using prepositions to give directions in the school or talk about traveling to places in Canada
  • Practise talking about your weather predictions for tomorrow


French 11

  • Prepare for Interpersonal Assessment this Friday |  You must be able to talk about your diet, grocery shopping and food preparation at your house & give suggestions or make comments to friends
  • Practise writing sentences with would (verb + imparfait ending), could (pourr + imparfait endings), should (devr + imparfait endings)
  • Review your notes on sentences that have a ‘possibility’ statement + ‘if’ OR ‘but’
  • Keep working through your field study plan for our healthy living unit. Results are due MON, OCT 29TH.

Tuesday, October 23rd, 2018

French 9

  • Practise asking and answering questions with ER verbs and irregular verbs on p. 23-24 of your unit package
  • Keep working with school vocabulary and classroom expressions
  • Practise using prepositions to give directions in the school or talk about travelling to places in Canada


French 11

  • Prepare for presentational and interpretive assessments * Review food and food prep vocabulary p. 4-5
  • Practise writing sentences with would, could, should
  • Prep for tomorrow by skimming the article on p 14 of your unit |  Highlight & look up 5 new words
  • Keep working through your field study plan for our healthy living unit. Results are due October 26th.

Monday, October 22nd, 2018

French 9

  • Practise asking and answering questions with ER verbs and irregular verbs on p. 23-24 of your unit package
  • Keep working with school vocabulary and classroom expressions
  • Practise using prepositions to give directions in the school or talk about travelling to places in Canada


French 11

  • Prepare for presentational and interpretive assessments * Review food and food prep vocabulary p. 4-5
  • Practise writing sentences with would, could, should
  • Read the info graphic “Les connexions nocturnes” p. 13
  • Keep working through your field study plan for our healthy living unit. Results are due October 26th.

Thursday, October 18th, 2018

French 9

  • Practise asking and answering questions with ER verbs and irregular verbs on p. 23-24 of your unit package
  • Keep working with school vocabulary and classroom expressions


French 11

  • Continue watching Alice in Paris episodes. Listen & watch for common elements. Think about how you would describe Alice. Do you notice any cultural differences or similarities?
  • Practise writing sentences with would, could, should
  • Keep working through your field study plan for our healthy living unit. Results are due October 26th.