Friday, December 21st, 2018

French 9

Bonnes vacances, les amis!

  • Remember to bring your survey questions & results to class on Monday, January 7th
  • Since we will be completing our last unit during the last 7 classes of the semester, we will be assessing your skills overall. I suggest a review of basic skills and vocabulary in the final days of your vacation!


French 11

Bonnes vacances, les amis!

  • Remember to bring your revised paragraph to orally present on Monday, January 7th
  • Remember to complete your travel research (with screen shots or a few printed photos & your notes in English). Your final conversations for French 11 are scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday (Jan 8 & 9)
  • Take some time in the final days of your vacation to review the tenses and language structures we have been focusing on this semester. There is a very quick turn-around when we return to school!

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