Thursday, June 10, 2021

French 12

French 12 Team

The Language Gym

To be prepared for class tomorrow, please make sure you have completed & reviewed new vocabulary from today’s class work

  • Partner Readings on p 14-17
  • Natural Catastrophe vocab on p 18-19
  • Partner Reading Coup de Chaud sur la Planète & interpretive work on p 26-28
  • Listening Interpretive below & questions on p 29

    Pas plus de 2 °C : d’où vient cet objectif pour le climat ?

  • Partner listening activity on p 32-33
    • Do not read article
    • Choose who is Partner 1 or 2
    • See Partie 1 & Partie 2. Then, ask, answer & record as indicated.
  • Complete the Language Gym reading & vocab work on p 30-31