Wednesday, October 6, 2021

FR 9    Bloc 2 

French 9 Team

The Language Gym

To be ready for class tomorrow, please

  • review ‘est-ce que’ questions and answers on p 60 / practise making questions with vocabulary you are learning
  • practise the key words we use for present tense p 62
  • complete the online Language Gym assignments 
  • study the list of ER verbs on p 58 (learn what they mean)


FR 10  Bloc 3

French 10 Team

The Language Gym

To be ready for class tomorrow


FR 9    Bloc 4

French 9 Team

The Language Gym

  • To be ready for class tomorrow, please
    • review ‘est-ce que’ questions and answers on p 60 / practise making questions with vocabulary you are learning
    • practise the key words we use for present tense p 62
    • complete the online Language Gym assignments 
    • study the list of ER verbs on p 58 (learn what they mean)


FR 11  Bloc 5

French 11 Team

The Language Gym

Your infographic is due on Friday. Please be ready 🙂

Consider the following as you prepare

    • What connections have you made between your daily life and culture? What details can you share about your culture that are part of your daily life?
    • What experiences have influenced the person you are today?
    • What words will you use to describe yourself to others? What examples can you give to support your word choices?
    • Who has had an impact on you? In what ways?
    • What stories do you feel comfortable sharing about yourself, your family and your experiences? Why are those stories important to you? 
    • What images will you include to represent you to others or to help tell your personal story?
    • What questions can you ask others to help them to share their stories with you?

***When an infographic is well done, the visuals provide extra details and enhance the overall message shared

***You will have class time to work on your infographic on Tuesday & Wednesday. 

***The passé composé activities on The Language Gym online will close TOMORROW




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