Thursday, October 21, 2021

FR 9    Bloc 2 

French 9 Team

The Language Gym

Good work today, les amis! 

Passez un bon weekend 🙂

To prepare for your end of unit interpretive on Monday

  • re-read some of the short texts in your unit package
  • review question words & basic vocabulary from the unit


FR 10  Bloc 3

French 10 Team

The Language Gym

Bon weekend à tous!

To be ready for class on Monday, please

  • complete your class work on p 13-15
  • review unit structures & vocab


FR 9    Bloc 4

French 9 Team

The Language Gym

Good work today, les amis! 

Passez un bon weekend 🙂

To prepare for your end of unit interpretive on Monday

  • re-read some of the short texts in your unit package
  • review question words & basic vocabulary from the unit


FR 11  Bloc 5

French 11 Team

The Language Gym

To be ready for class on Monday, please

  • make sure class work is complete on p 26-27 (les connecteurs)
  • review le futur simple on p 72-73 & complete the practice on p 74
    • There is a new online Language Gym assignment to practise the irregulars that will close on Tuesday
  • submit video message assignment on Teams by Sunday night at the latest

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