Thursday, February 24, 2022

FR 10  Bloc 3

Français 10 Team

The Language Gym

For class today, students

  • reviewed how to talk about what they are going to do, what they are doing right now & what they have just done p 55 & practised making their own sentences 
  • reviewed some key words for indicating & using different timeframes
  • looked at the structure of past tense in French on p 56-58

To be ready for class next week, please

  • finish the online Language Gym assignments (if you haven’t already)
  • review new concepts & vocabulary
  • study the sentence builder for ‘Talking about what you did last weekend’ p 60 & complete p 61

***Be ready to use the past tense to talk about what you did over the long weekend 🙂

FR 11  Bloc 4

Français 11 Team

The Language Gym

For class today, students

  • reviewed when to use & how to form the imparfait in French
  • practised using it on p 79-80 

To be ready for class next week, please

  • review concepts & vocabulary
  • complete the online Language Gym tasks (3 new verb trainer assignments were added today & will be at the top)
  • start thinking about your end of unit assessments 
    • Interpretive assessment – Monday
    • Infographic & interpersonal –  due Thursday (but you will have class time every day next week to work). In the meantime, you can think about:
      • What connections have you made between your daily life and culture? What details can you share about your culture that are part of your daily life?
      • What experiences have influenced the person you are today?
      • What words will you use to describe yourself to others? What examples can you give to support your word choices?
      • Who has had an impact on you? In what ways?
      • What stories do you feel comfortable sharing about yourself, your family and your experiences? Why are those stories important to you? 
      • What images will you include to represent you to others or to help tell your personal story?
      • What questions can you ask others to help them to share their stories with you?

***When an infographic is well done, the visuals provide extra details and enhance the overall message shared

***The infographic can be done digitally or be hand drawn, but MUST be 11X17 in size. I can supply paper if you are working by hand and can print your digital infographics if they are complete the day before they are due.


FR 12  Bloc 5

Français 12 Team

The Language Gym

For class today, students

To be ready for class next week

  • review when to use & how to form the subjunctive mood on p 32-34
  • complete the online Language Gym tasks to practise the conditional