Thursday, September 29, 2022

FR 9  Bloc 2

Français 9 Team 

The Language Gym


Review the basics of what we’ve been working on since the beginning of the semester

    • keep practising the verbs – meaning and pattern … ER verb interpretive assessment is scheduled for Tuesday!
    • try to memorize the vocabulary
    • pay attention to the structure (word placement & grammar) in the sentence builders you have been using

***You will be assessed on what you have learned so far & your ability to answer (in French – both orally & written) the basic questions we’ve been practising.

***Bring earbuds, your device and both unit booklets EVERY DAY


FR 10  Bloc 3

Français 10 Team

The Language Gym

Good work with your end of intro unit assessments, les amis! 

Next week, we will be doing some self-reflection & assessment of your strengths and challenges before starting our new unit 🙂


FR 10  Bloc 4

Français 10 Team

The Language Gym

Good work with your end of intro unit assessments, les amis! 

Next week, we will be doing some self-reflection & assessment of your strengths and challenges before starting our new unit 🙂


FR 11  Bloc 5

Français 11 Team

The Language Gym


Take note of the following important deadlines: 

  • interpretive listening & reading is scheduled for Monday, Oct 3rd
  • infographic & partner conversations are rescheduled for Oct 5th, 6th & 7th
    • You need your infographic in class on Wednesday, Oct 5th
    • I will print digital infographics sent to me by 5 pm on Tuesday, Oct 2

Consider the follow as you prepare

    • What connections have you made between your daily life and culture? What details can you share about your culture that are part of your daily life?
    • What experiences have influenced the person you are today?
    • What words will you use to describe yourself to others? What examples can you give to support your word choices?
    • Who has had an impact on you? In what ways?
    • What stories do you feel comfortable sharing about yourself, your family and your experiences and interests? Why are those stories important to you? 
    • What images will you include to represent you to others or to help tell your personal story?
    • What questions can you ask others to help them to share their stories with you?

***When an infographic is well done, the visuals provide extra details and enhance the overall message shared


  • You should not be using a translator to write your infographic!
    • This will result in a lower grade because it shows that you are not able to communicate at the level that is expected. 
  • You should check your spelling, verb structures and use of vocabulary
  • If you have to look up any vocabulary words (NOT full sentences with structures you have never learned!), you MUST include them in the glossary on your infographic & be prepared to explain them (in French) to partners








Wednesday, September 28, 2022

FR 9  Bloc 2

Français 9 Team 

The Language Gym


    • make sure you completed your practice from class today (What’s in your school bag) p 45-46
    • keep reviewing the verbs presented in class & practise some of them on your Language Gym class

***Bring earbuds, your device and both unit booklets EVERY DAY


FR 10  Bloc 3

Français 10 Team

The Language Gym


  • re-read some of the longer texts & sentence builders
  • bring paper for your end of unit writing assessment


FR 10  Bloc 4

Français 10 Team

The Language Gym


  • re-read some of the longer texts & sentence builders
  • bring paper for your end of unit writing assessment


FR 11  Bloc 5

Français 11 Team

The Language Gym


  • start pulling together your ideas for your infographic …. think about the images & details you want to include & begin organizing them
  • bring your laptop to class to work on your infographic OR creative things you might want if working on paper

***End of Unit Assessment

  • interpretive listening & reading is scheduled for Monday, Oct 3rd
  • infographic & partner conversations are rescheduled for Oct 5th, 6th & 7th
    • You need your infographic in class on Wednesday, Oct 5th
    • I will print digital infographics sent to me by 6 pm on Tuesday, Oct 2