FR 9 Bloc 2
- Start reviewing your learning from this year (structures, vocab, phrases) to prepare for the end of unit write during the long block on Thursday
- Keep working through the practice tasks in your online Language Gym class
- Complete the listening practice in ‘On écoute’
- Unit 13 # 1, 3, 4, 7, 9
- Unit 14 # 1, 2, 3, 6, 8
***Bring all unit booklets (including Napoléon) & a device, please.
FR 10 Bloc 3
Today & tomorrow are for end of unit/semester conversation.
The ‘umbrella question’ to get the conversation going is: Comment gères-tu le stress de la fin du semestre?
Think about ways that you can connect the following topics to the BIG question & ask follow up questions about
- food
- exercise
- time management (at home & in class)
- strategies
- sleep
- relationships (friends, family)
- what you/your partner would, could, should do
Some deeper follow up questions will allow you to pull in other topics from the semester. For example …
- Est-ce que la fin du semestre et ton niveau de stress est différent du reste de l’année? Pourquoi? Comment?
- Qui te cause du stress? Comment? Pourquoi?
It would be a good idea to review all units (vocab & structures) & to think about questions that would help you to naturally bring them into your conversations.
***Your end of unit/semester write will be during the long block on Friday morning
FR 10 Bloc 4
Today & tomorrow are for end of unit/semester conversation.
The ‘umbrella question’ to get the conversation going is: Comment gères-tu le stress de la fin du semestre?
Think about ways that you can connect the following topics to the BIG question & ask follow up questions about
- food
- exercise
- time management (at home & in class)
- strategies
- sleep
- relationships (friends, family)
- what you/your partner would, could, should do
Some deeper follow up questions will allow you to pull in other topics from the semester. For example …
- Est-ce que la fin du semestre et ton niveau de stress est différent du reste de l’année? Pourquoi? Comment?
- Qui te cause du stress? Comment? Pourquoi?
It would be a good idea to review all units (vocab & structures) & to think about questions that would help you to naturally bring them into your conversations.
***Your end of unit/semester write will be during the long block on Thursday afternoon
FR 11 Bloc 5
Today is your end of unit/semester interpretive assessment. It will contain passages of French text from the novel and the non-fiction texts included in the last two units. You will be writing in English.
For tomorrow, do some quick research on Frédéric Back (French-Canadian film maker & artist).
- Be prepared to share the interesting facts you learned in class tomorrow (and, especially, the themes that were important to him & his work)
Your end of semester write is scheduled for the long block on Friday afternoon. To prepare for writing, review the vocabulary, structures & phrases or expressions you have seen throughout the semester. A ‘fully meeting’ sample of end of unit writing should show
- an understanding of the novel & the historical events of the time
- a variety of vocab from all of your learning up to this point & specific vocab from the current unit
- a very good grasp of the past, present and future tenses
- well-connected sentences & sequence words
- risk-taking and some attempts to communicate in more complex sentences
- personalization & effective use of details and description