Friday, March 15th, 2019

Youpi! Hourra! Nous sommes en vacances 🙂

J’espère que vous allez tous profiter du temps hors de la routine scolaire pour s’amuser avec la famille et les amis.

The Festival du Bois will be happening here in Coquitlam at Mackin Park during the weekend of March 22-24.

Check out the following link and make a plan to go with some friends from French class! Or, take your family to this annual event.

Activities & Attractions

French 10

  • Finish reading the novel Le voyage
  • Complete all of the chapter questions
  • Keep a list of new vocabulary & study it so that you can use the new vocabulary when you talk about the book in class
  • Think about how you would retell the basics of the story in past tense

French 11

What can you do to improve your French-language skills?

Hmmm … how about:

  • looking for interesting French-speaking people, organizations or news outlets to follow on Instagram and Twitter
  • changing your phone settings to French and texting your French class friends en français 🙂
  • switching your Netflix account to French and looking for films and tv shows ( * if you have an iTunes account, there are a lot of options in Quebecois films)
  • finding French music that you like to listen to
  • going to the library and taking out French books

REMINDER:  Some of you need to re-work your answers to your novel questions over the break. The answers are due on April 1st!

French 12

* I added two pages to the French 12 Resources page. You will find different ways to discuss your opinions and to make connections. This vocabulary is useful both in conversation and for written work.

  • Complete second copy of the letter to your future self…  Check your vocabulary and structures, please! Submit the first & second copies together on April 1st.
  • Explore an aspect of French culture that we have not yet discussed as a class & be ready to present it on Tuesday, April 2nd. Think about people and/or places who were historically significant or who are currently doing interesting things. Remember that you are not completing a ‘research project’. You are exploring something that personally interests you, making connections to French culture, and then sharing it either with partners or in small groups. You must bring a visual, an object, a song, etc, to share. Yes, think ‘show & tell’ in French class! Reminder:  If you are searching the internet, you will have better results and be better prepared for conversations if you search in French 🙂
  • To practise your basic skills or to help you prepare for the DELF exam in April, check out the following links:​






Thursday, March 14th, 2019

French 10

  • Finish reading chapter 5 and answering the questions
  • Review the new vocabulary


French 11

  • Partner conversations continue tomorrow
  • Remember to dig deep, take the time to clarify and ask good questions!
  • Bring your novels to hand in, please


French 12

  • Conversations tomorrow about Au revoir, l’Acadie!
  • Review the new vocabulary so that you can talk about the story & the history of the Acadians






Wednesday, March 13th, 2019

French 10

  • Finish reading chapters 4 and answering the questions
  • Review the new vocabulary


French 11

  • Partner conversations tomorrow!
  • Remember to hand in your questions/answers (if you haven’t already)
  • Bring your novels to hand in, please


French 12

  • Review your vocab list from today’s reading
  • Think about how you would retell what you have read so far






Tuesday, March 12th, 2019

French 10

  • Finish reading chapters 2 & 3 and answering the questions
  • Review the new vocabulary


French 11

  • Questions + written answers about your novel are due tomorrow. You will have 15 minutes at the beginning of class to complete questions or practice conversations
  • Partner conversations will be on Thursday.


French 12

  • Review your vocab list from today’s reading
  • Think about questions to ask a partner tomorrow about what you have read so far






Monday, March 11th, 2019

French 10

  • Re-read chapter one of “Le Voyage” and review the new vocabulary
  • Finish answering the chapter questions 1-10


French 11

  • Finish reading your novel (if you haven’t already)
  • Review new vocabulary
  • Questions + written answers are due on Wednesday. You will have block 3 tomorrow to complete them.
  • Partner conversations will be on Thursday.


French 12

Bravo avec les conversations aujourd’hui!

In this short video, you can hear some variations of the Acadian accent. It’s only about 3 minutes long. Listen carefully and see if you can pick up some of what is said 🙂

*You have to scroll down to the second video…






Friday, March 8th, 2019

French 10

  • Continue to review the past tense structure
  • Finish the practice that you were working on with partners in class –  all of pages 26 & 27
  • Read the postcard on p 27 and then write your own postcard to share with a partner on Monday


French 11

  • Finish reading the required number of pages (as decided by your group)
  • Review the new vocabulary from your novel (Can you use the new words in your own sentences or questions?)
  • Write three questions to ask group members about the text on Monday
  • Remember that Monday is the last day to read and discuss your book during class
  • Next week you will be working on writing answers to questions and talking about your book with others


French 12

  • Make sure you have a good list of 10-15 questions to ask partners in conversation on Monday (related to film in general)
  • Pay attention to word choice, tense and question format in your questions & challenge yourself to use some of the vocabulary and structures we have seen recently
  • Work through answering your own questions (in writing) to help you prepare for conversations
  • Do a quick search about the history of the Acadians in Canada & make a point form list of 5 things you found out






Wednesday, March 6th, 2019

French 10

  • Continue to review the past tense structure
  • Finish the practice that you were working on with partners in class –  Exercise 5 & 6  on page 25


French 11

  • Finish reading the required number of pages (as decided by your group)
  • Review the new vocabulary from your novel (Can you use the new words in your own sentences or questions?)
  • Write three questions to ask group members about the text tomorrow


French 12

Here is the video with Mohamed Fellag talking about his role in the movie M. Lazhar

  • Please review the interpretive listening questions and watch the clip
  • Answer the multiple choice questions to the best of your ability by Thursday, March 7 so that you are ready to discuss them in class  (Some of the answers require thinking about what he “means” rather than what he actually “says”)
  • REMINDER:  March 6th is the last day to register for the DELF exam. If you are super nervous and have exam stress (even though nothing bad can come from this!)….. you can always choose the A1 level. Sérieusement les amis, vous êtes capables. Allons-y!
  • The link for registration is here:






Tuesday, March 5th, 2019

French 10

  • Review the past tense structures on pages 22 & 23
  • Practise #4 on page 24


French 11

  • Finish reading the required number of pages (as decided by your group)
  • Review the new vocabulary from your novel
  • Write three questions to ask group members about the text


French 12

Here is the video with Mohamed Fellag talking about his role in the movie M. Lazhar

  • Please review the interpretive listening questions and watch the clip
  • Answer the multiple choice questions to the best of your ability by Thursday, March 7 so that you are ready to discuss them in class  (Some of the answers require thinking about what he “means” rather than what he actually “says”)
  • REMINDER:  March 6th is the last day to register for the DELF exam. If you are super nervous and have exam stress (even though nothing bad can come from this!)….. you can always choose the A1 level. Sérieusement les amis, vous êtes capables. Allons-y!
  • The link for registration is here:






Monday, March 4th, 2019

Last weekend, Coeur de Pirate (une chanteuse Québécoise de Montréal) came to perform at the Commodore Ballroom in Vancouver. Check her out on Youtube:


What words or expressions do you recognize?

French 10, French 11 & French 12

  • Don’t forget to set aside 15 minutes to review vocabulary and structures that we have been practising through February!
  • We are moving on to the next unit, but you are expected to continue using what you have learned 🙂






Friday, March 1st, 2019

French 10

Bonne fin de semaine, les amis!


French 11

  • Excellent start to presentations and conversations today regarding your healthy lifestyle questions and suggestions!
  • We will continue on Monday, so please continue to review vocabulary and language structures


French 12

  • Register for the DELF exam! You can do it!
  • Good job on your conversations today 🙂
  • As discussed, we will have a few more conversations about our future plans on Monday before moving on