Tuesday, April 30th, 2019

French 10

  • Review the new vocabulary for la maison idéale
  • Watch the story told by Alice Ayel called La chambre  and be ready to discuss/retell the story tomorrow


French 11

  • Finish your passé composé learning/practice work up
  • Complete the exercise #1 for the pronoun practice
  • Spend time studying/memorizing the patterns 🙂


French 12

Here is the reading handout for today’s class:   Deforestation1-vwiglf   Deforestation2-1cdlzvq

  • Finish writing your message to a classmate on pages 14-15
  • Complete exercise #1 of the article (new vocabulary)
  • Start thinking about your personal final project idea…something of particular interest and how it relates to or impacts the environment

Monday, April 29th, 2019

French 10

Here is the video for today’s class:


French 11

  • Finish your passé composé learning/practice work up to the end of page 2 for tomorrow
  • Spend time studying/memorizing the pattern for the verbs included

French 12

Here is the video for today’s class:

  • Complete the details for the video and complete your 5 questions for tomorrow’s partner conversation

Thursday, April 25th, 2019

French 10

  • Great conversations today!
  • On Monday you will have your interpretive assessment for the unit
  • On Tuesday, you will have your presentational writing assessment
  • Bonne fin de semaine 🙂


French 11

  • Bonne fin de semaine!
  • Remember:  Monday you will have an interpretive evaluation.


French 12

Here is a recap of today’s class:

Wednesday, April 24th, 2019

French 10

  • Review vocabulary and structures from the unit
  • Tomorrow you will participate in conversations with partners about the chores you do/don’t do at home


French 11

  • Great work with conversations today! Tomorrow we will continue with 2 or 3 more exchanges.
  • Tomorrow you will also finish the re-write of your Roch Carrier text in class
  • Please bring Le chandail de hockey to hand in


French 12

Here is a recap of today’s class:

  • Interpersonal practice:  Ask & answer the interview questions given for your article. For students who are out of town, the interview questions are here:  Lesson-2-interview-1xguqsw
  • After the partner interview & recording of answers, write a message to your partner giving him/her suggestions on ways to be more environmentally conscious, page 9-10
  • Read the article On s’empoisonne la vie! & complete parts A, B and C on pages 10-11. For students who are away, the article is here:  Pollution1-24ufduePollution2-2onczzl
  • HOMEWORK:  Finish any work not completed in class & review new vocabulary

Tuesday, April 23rd, 2019

French 10

  • Review vocabulary and structures from the unit
  • Tomorrow we will start evaluating your skills in the three modes 🙂


French 11

  • The Frederic Back short film we watched in class today is here:

  • Practise the vocabulary and structures needed to share your personal childhood story tomorrow …Is there a cultural element to your story? Can you explain it to others?
  • Make sure you have your Sketch & Talk sheet in class tomorrow as a visual aid
  • Think about some general questions that you can ask to maintain & demonstrate interest in your conversations tomorrow


French 12

Here is a recap of today’s class:

  • Watch/listen to the 1jour1actu clip about air pollution

D’où vient la pollution de l’air ?

Thursday, April 18th, 2019

French 10

  • Make sure that you have finished all of the work related to the Pic et Pik comic on pages 10 – 11
  • Complete part D on page 11 for Tuesday
  • Study the vocabulary for the unit as you will complete the unit evaluations next week


French 11

  • Finish your “Sketch & Talk” drawings. The 6 squares should show quick (Pictionary-style) images that will help you to tell a story about your childhood. Think about the stories of Roch Carrier and try to come up with a story that has some significance to you now as you look back to a younger version of yourself.
  • Do not write down the story. You may write a maximum of 5 words on the back of your sheet. These should only be new, specific vocabulary that you had to look up to tell your story. Think about how you will explain the new words to conversation partners.
  • Be prepared to participate in partner conversations on Tuesday and Wednesday next week.

French 12


Wednesday, April 17th, 2019

French 10

  • On page 12 of your package, write the past tense actions for chores in the je form. Example: j’ai balayé


French 11

  • Finish reading (& make sure you understand) the Quand j’étais petit… handout from today
  • Write four of your own sentences starting with “Quand j’étais petit…” to share in groups tomorrow
  • Ensure you have Le chandail de hockey package in class tomorrow as you will be working on using pronouns on page 6


French 12

  • Finish the word recognition and details for Coup de chaud sur la planète on pages 5-6
  • Go back to the beginning of your unit and review the new vocabulary needed to talk about global warming in French



Tuesday, April 16th, 2019

French 10

  • Continue to review new vocabulary & practise past tense structures
  • Finish writing the 10 sentences about who does the chores at your house (p 7)


French 11

  • Prepare to participate in small group conversations about the cultural aspects of the stories you have read
  • Be ready to share your French sentences from the story


French 12

  • Finish writing your suggestions to your partner on page 4 & be ready to share some of your sentences in our large group tomorrow




Monday, April 15th, 2019

French 10

  • Finish the work for the 2 info graphics on pages 3 – 6 of your unit package
  • Review the new vocabulary

French 11

  • Finish answering the questions (French questions + French answers) AND (English phrases + French responses)
  • Review the new vocabulary you need to talk about Roch Carrier and Le joueur de basketball

French 12

  • Review the new vocabulary learned from the video and the info graphic so that you are comfortable using them in conversation
  • If you are participating in the DELF tomorrow, please be on time!




Friday, April 12th, 2019

French 10

  • Re-read the info graphic from class today here

Travail domestique : le second job

  • Finish Part C on page 2 (Write a paragraph telling what you do around the house)
  • If you have been away and still don’t have the unit package, you can find a copy in French 10 Resources at the top of the page
  • Bon weekend 🙂


French 11

  • Finish reading Le joueur de basketball to the end of page 30 & complete the relevant questions
  • Review & practise the new vocabulary. What are the new “actions” in the story? Can you use those actions in a personal context? What are the new “things” that you know how to say? Can you use those things in a personal context?

French 12

  • Re-watch the 1jour1actu video about climate change. Listen for more detail & word recognition.


  • Read the info graphic on page 7 of your unit package. Complete parts A & B on page 1 of your unit.
  • Review new vocab over the weekend to develop your comfort in discussing the topic in class on Monday.
  • Bon weekend 🙂