Friday, November 29th, 2019

French 9

Retelling of the Napoléon series will continue on Monday along with the final interpretive 🙂

  • Keep practising your vocabulary & language structures for the unit


French 10

Here is the video we watched in class today

  • Create 7 questions to ask a partner
  • Use the past tense   (Ex. Comment s’appelait la jeune femme?)





Thursday, November 28th, 2019

French 9

Conversations about & retelling of the Napoléon series will start on Friday 🙂

  • You can review the end of the Napoléon stories here   The old Napoleon-17f1a1i
  • Keep practising your vocabulary for the unit
  • If you are not yet fully comfortable with creating/asking questions, review the examples you have from the series (question sheets from Madame for the individual stories)


French 10

  • Review your unit vocabulary & the new sentence starters practised in class today 🙂





Wednesday, November 27th, 2019

French 9

Conversations about & retelling of the Napoléon series will start on Friday 🙂

  • You can review Napoleon’s wedding here  Book 11 Napoleon’s Wedding-128pql0
  • Keep practising your vocabulary for the unit
  • If you are not yet fully comfortable with creating/asking questions, review the examples you have from the series (questions sheets from Madame for the individual stories)


French 10

  • Here is the video we watched in class today
  • Finish retelling the episode on p 9 of your unit
  • Keep reviewing the new vocabulary and placement of describing words 🙂





Tuesday, November 26th, 2019

French 9


French 10

If you missed one of the unit assessments last week, you are expected to attend ESS block this week to complete it. Please come and see me.

For tomorrow:

  • Finish matching the new vocab for describing a house on p 10 of your unit
  • Continue to review the new vocabulary on p 1-4





Monday, November 25th, 2019

French 9


French 10

If you missed one of the unit assessments last week, you are expected to attend ESS block this week to complete it. Please come and see me.

For tomorrow:

  • Finish matching the song lyrics on p 7 & 8
  • Review the new vocabulary on p 1-4





Friday, November 22nd, 2019

French 9

  • Here’s the song from class today.
    • What else can you understand?
    • Keep practising to sing it 🙂
  • By the end of next week, we will finish reading the Napoléon books!
  • Continue to work with the vocabulary and structures from the series:
    • Try incorporating new words or phrases into your own sentences
    • Make a quizlet or cue cards to practice new vocabulary
    • Re-read the stories starting from the beginning
    • Practice retelling the stories in French to your friends from class or teach them to family members
  • Bonne fin de semaine tout le monde 🙂


French 10

  • Review the learning objectives & new vocabulary for la maison idéale unit  p. 1-4
  • Listen to the song

  • Fill in the blanks on p.6-7
  • Bonne fin de semaine les amis 🙂





Tuesday, November 19th, 2019

French 9

  • Interpretive assessment on Books 5 – 8 is scheduled for Friday  Oops! Thursday
  • Good work with your conversations about Napoléon et le voleur today!  It was good practice for your end of unit conversations that are coming up early next week. Think about the challenges that you had and make a plan to address them to help you prepare:
    • Do you need to study more vocab?
    • Do you need strategies for talking to classmates you are not as comfortable with?
    • Do you need to review how to ask questions?
  • Come and see me tomorrow if you need help with your next steps 🙂


French 10

  • End of unit interpretive assessment is tomorrow
    • Review your unit vocabulary!




Monday, November 18th, 2019

French 9

  • The links to stories 4, 5 and 6 have been updated on Friday’s post. You can now re-read them by scrolling back to last week 🙂
  • Voilà l’histoire 7    Napoleon and the thief
  • Voilà les questions à complèter   Napoléon et le voleur ques


French 10

  • Read the story about Pic & Pik. How would you compare these two and their cleaning up skills?
  • Block 2:  Please complete the key word recognition & the supporting details questions
  • Block 4:  Please complete the key word recognition




Friday, November 15th, 2019

French 9


French 10

  • Bon weekend les amis!
  • Continue to review vocabulary & structures for this unit. End of unit evaluations are scheduled for mid next week!
  • On Monday, I will be asking you to tell partners what you did/didn’t do for chores over the weekend.