Friday, November 8th, 2019

French 9

In honour of Remembrance Day, please take a look at the following links

  • Can you sing the national anthem in both official languages? Here’s your chance to practice/start learning!


  • Listen to Canadians speak about Le jour du souvenir in French & English
  • What words can you pick up as you listen?

  • Take the time this weekend to review the Napoléon stories and to practice the new vocabulary and structures
  • Can you retell the story from the start of Le Petit Napoléon to the end of Chez la vieille dame?


French 10

  • Please send me a OneDrive link to your podcast (Block 2: If you don’t know how, we will review the steps on Tuesday morning so make sure you have your file & a device to send it from)
  • Don’t forget to spend time reviewing the first 2 columns of action words/verbs on p33 to prepare for the learning check in next week

Do you know how to sing O Canada in both official languages? Practice with the song lyrics included!

  • Read the first paragraph about Le jour du souvenir from Le musée de la guerre du Canada
    • What do you understand?
    • Write 5 questions to ask a partner about their long weekend + 2 questions about what they know about le jour du souvenir

      Jour du Souvenir

  • Listen to Canadians speak about Le jour du souvenir in both official languages