Monday, April 27, 2020

French 9

Français 9 Team



Send me an email if you need some extra help with French or just want to chat…


  • This week we will continue the short story unit about Napoléon.
  • At this point, it’s a good idea to continue to practise retelling a little of Napoléon’s story from each book and then add the necessary details from the new stories.
  • By the end of the stories, your goal is to retell Napoléon’s adventures in your own words.
  • Read one story each day, keep a list of new vocabulary and complete the questions & answers.
  • Days that you do not have a new story to read should include studying of the new vocabulary, creating your own questions, and practising to retell & ask and answer questions with a partner.
  • Submit Assignment #5 only when you have finished the 3  short stories & related work

1. Napoléon et le voleur

2. Napoléon est malade

3. Napoleon est prisonnier

Assignment 5 Napoléon 7 à 9


  • Expand your vocabulary and comprehension by listening to a different story each day. There are 30 stories in Saison 1!
  • With parent permission, sign up for a Duolingo account and spend 5 minutes a day learning new vocabulary and challenging your skills
  • Choose a different section from your Unit 1 package to review each day. A lot of novice work is memorization of basic vocabulary and expressions! Make cue cards, use Quizlet, call a friend from class to speak in French, practise using vocabulary and structures in your own sentences & questions  … or teach someone at home what you know!
  • Let me know if you are doing optional, extra work to extend your learning of French. Submit this on Teams by Friday, May 1st    Level Up Optional Practice



French 11

Français 11 Block 3 Team

Français 11 Block 4 Team


J’espère que vous allez tous bien. Laisse-moi savoir si vous avez besoin de n’importe quoi….



  1. Assignment 7  |  Week 4 of le journal visuel: Follow the same format as last week (written or video + image).
      •  Take a look at this 1jour1actu report about children confined at home around the world. Maybe it will help to generate some new ideas or vocab!

        5 enfants confinés sur 5 continents

      • Be creative! Topic of your choice this week.
      • As always, please provide a list of words or phrasing that you had to look up, but challenge yourself to use the language that you already have! Submit on Teams by Friday, May 1st.


2.  Assignment 8  |  L’Acadie et les Acadiens


  • Here’s a fun, sporty challenge in French. Can you do it? Let us know on the Questions Pour Madame channel & use the @mention to challenge a friend from class!
  • I will post the novel, Khadra, on Teams for those who are looking to challenge themselves & extend their learning. Reading is a great way to expand your vocabulary, improve sentence structure and immerse yourself in the language while confined at home!
  • See this link for a contest with Canadian Parents for French. It closes on Saturday, but looks perfect for those of you who like to talk!
  • Let me know if you’re doing optional, extra work. Submit this on Teams Level Up Optional Practice


French 12

Français 12 Team



Please remember to check in with me personally if you haven’t been on Teams, missed handing in an assignment or just need some support! It’s important to maintain good communication while working remotely 🙂



We’re starting a new unit on the environment this week! Please download the unit package Environnement Pkg

  • Lesson 1 is all about global warming. There are activities in the package for all modes. Connect with a classmate to complete the interpersonal work! Please complete all activities (minus the game on page 3) by Monday, May 4th. (I will post the answers to the activities on the blog that day.)
  • The articles for part VI Interprétation Écrite are here Global-Warming1  Global-Warming2
  • By Friday, May 1st, please submit this le réchauffement climatique


  • The Canadian Parents for French have organized a virtual contest that would be great for some of you who like to talk! It closes Saturday, but take a look at it here
  • Let me know if you participate!

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