Monday, January 25, 2021

French 9

Français 9 Team

Students A-L:

  • Before your next class, please complete the vocab revision activities on p 76-77

Students M-Z:

  • Reminder:  interpretive assessment tomorrow


French 10

Français 10 Team

***Tomorrow is your end of French 10 presentational write. Your goal is to communicate on the topic and to show what you can communicate (in writing) at this time. Remember that at this point in your learning, your goal is to:

    • use more than 1 sentence to explain & describe
    • connect sentences
    • include details
    • use more variety of vocabulary & expressions to personalize what you communicate
    • be creative & show as much as you can of what you have learned in French 9 & 10

***To prepare for your summative write, you can

    • review food vocab, describing words for foods, phrases to express what you like/don’t like & why
    • review vocabulary & phrases for describing places
    • review phrases for ordering, paying & complaining
    • review any grammar points and structures you have learned throughout the quarter (tenses … present, past, future with aller + infinitive, il faut + infinitive | use & placement of pronouns & adjectives) 

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