Thursday, February 25, 2021

French 10

French 10 Team

Bonne fin de semaine à tous!

To be prepared for class on Monday:

  • Make sure you have completed your class work up to/including p 29
  • Study the new vocabulary on p 1-4 & the sentence builder on p 14, 21, 23
  • Complete the Language Gym assignments by tomorrow. New tasks will be added to help you practise the vocabulary & structure for the house unit.

***Reminder:  learning check-in on Monday (interpretive & presentational)


French 11

French 11 Team

Bon weekend les amis 🙂

All Students:

  • Please check The Language Gym tomorrow or over the weekend for some practice activities/games
  • Take some time to review what you have learned so far in this new unit
    • new vocabulary & phrases
    • comprehension of the history you have learned/notes you have taken
  • To practise your listening skills, consider listening to some other Alice Ayel videos on YouTube







Wednesday, February 24, 2021

French 10

French 10 Team

To be prepared for class tomorrow:

  • make sure that your class work is completed up to/including p22
  • save 5 screenshots of different houses/apartments to your phone
    • Try to have a variety of rooms or inside/outside photos
    • You will use these to describe & give opinions in partner conversations tomorrow
  • I will be adding new Language Gym activities at the end of the week
    • Please complete tasks already assigned by Friday. I will be recording completion for your Learning Engagement %


French 11

French 11 Team

Bon mercredi, les amis! 

ALL Students:  

Please scroll all the way down the page 🙂

  1. Re-tell (en français, bien sûr) a favourite fable that you remember reading or being told as a child
    • Divide a sheet of paper into 6 squares and sketch out part of the story in each box. 
    • Write a couple of sentences in each square to re-tell the story
    • You will share your stories with partners on Thursday
  • OR … create a fable of your own using the style of Jean de la Fontaine as a guide!
    • Follow the rest of the guidelines above
    • Try to personalize your fable by thinking of lessons that you have learned so far in life

               ***Pay close attention to your use of the past tense

               ***Level up! … Incorporate some structures/phrases from p38-39 in Unit 1

      2. Make sure that your Alice Ayel interpretive work is complete before your next class

      3. Language Gym activities also need to be completed today (if you haven’t already)

    • Completion of LG activities counts toward your Learning Engagement %
    • LG activities help you to develop speed with vocab & structures
    • Logging in & completing a couple of the questions does not count as ‘complete’



Tuesday, February 23, 2021

French 10

French 10 Team

To be prepared for class tomorrow:

  • Make sure you have completed your class work 
    • Here is the Trotro video we watched in class
    • Complete the sentences about the video on p 5 of your Ma Maison Idéale unit
    • Review the sentence builder on p 14 & complete p 15, 16, 17
  • Study the new vocabulary on p 1-4

***Reminder:  50 Essential Verbs check-in tomorrow


French 11

French 11 Team


Remember to check the blog tomorrow for your Virtual Wednesday tasks 

Students M-Z:

Here is video # 1 from class today

Here is video #2 from class today



Complete the activities on The Language Gym before your next class (click on link at the top of the page). Your goal is to have an accuracy rate that is in the “Fully Meeting” range.



Monday, February 22, 2021

French 10

French 10 Team

To be prepared for class tomorrow:

  • Make sure that your class work is complete
    • Reading & full sentence responses to the questions
  • Watch this Alice Ayel video
  • Write notes in English about what you understand 
  • Write 5 questions (en français) to ask your partner about the story tomorrow
  • The Language Gym has also been updated with new assignments


French 11

French 11 Team

Students A-L:

Today you are working on your listening skills.

Alice Ayel retells two very well-known French fables that were written by Jean de la Fontaine in the 17th century. She also shares information about de la Fontaine and his life.

Click on the links below in the order they appear & work through the questions provided in class for each of the 3 videos. Listen carefully for all the details!




4. When you have finished, use your English notes to practise retelling the stories & asking/answering questions in French with a partner.


Complete the activities on The Language Gym before your next class (click on link at the top of the page). Your goal is to have an accuracy rate that is in the “Fully Meeting” range. 


Friday, February 19, 2021

French 10

French 10 Team

To be prepared for class next week

  • finish your class work up to/including p 35
  • study your vocabulary & unit structures
    • second chance at interpretive assessment (reading) on Tuesday
  • study the past tense structures
    • learning check-in for 50 essential verbs on Wednesday 


French 11

French 11 Team

All Students:

Bon travail avec les conversations et la chronologie de votre vie 🙂

To be prepared for your next class:

  • please finish researching the 6 symbols on the front cover of your new unit 
  • bring earbuds & a device (phone is okay) to your next class (Monday or Tuesday)
    • You will be focussed on interpretive listening & will need to be able to watch & to start/stop the video as needed





Thursday, February 18, 2021

French 10

French 10 Team

To be prepared for class tomorrow, please

  • make sure your classwork is completed (p 29-30)

Start preparing for assessments next week now!

  • Second interpretive assessment using unit vocabulary & tenses
    • Keep practising on the Language Gym until your accuracy rate is in the ‘Fully Meeting’ range
  • Using past tense verbs (in the ‘je’ form)  p32


French 11

French 11 Team



Wednesday, February 17, 2021

French 10

French 10 Team

To be prepared for class tomorrow, please

  • complete your classwork up to/including #9 on p 28
  • review the past tense structure & vocabulary 


French 11

French 11 Team

Bon mercredi les amis!

Your work for today is to complete your personal timeline & to prepare to share them with partners in your next class. 

Please scroll back to yesterday’s blog post for the details!


***You will also have an interpretive reading assessment at the beginning of your next class



Tuesday, February 16, 2021

French 10

French 10 Team

To memorize the daily routine vocabulary, you can practise on The Language Gym

  • Click on the link below, enter your class, and click on the assignments 
    • Complete these activities by Thursday, please
    • New activities will be added towards the end of the week
  • Review the in-class readings & new vocabulary on p 19-22 


French 11

French 11 Team

All Students:

  • review the answer key for your work on p 32 & 36 here (please ignore the duplicate page!) p32&36

To prepare for your assessment at the end of the week

  • continue to review the 2 past tenses along with the language chunks on p 38-39
  • complete the ‘chronologie de ma vie’ assignment & bring your 11×17 timeline to your next class

CHRONOLOGIE DE MA VIE   (timeline of my life ….up to this point)

Using an 11×17 sheet of paper, please:

  • draw a timeline from the year you were born to present
  • include two sentences for each year of your life (things that happened, things that you did, activities that you participated in, etc)
  • include a quick sketch/visual for each year

Be prepared:

  • to only use words & language that you know (Reliance on a translator means that you are not meeting expectations at this time)
    • You may look up a maximum of 3 single words. Please include them in a glossary somewhere on your page.
  • to share your timeline with partners
  • to ask/answer follow-up questions
  • to use past tenses (and present or future as needed depending on questions)
  • to use sequencing and frequency words (see p37-40)
  • to hand in your timeline at the end of class

***En première année = In grade one        En deuxième année = In grade two    …etc.

*** J’ai commencé la première année = I started grade one




Friday, February 12, 2021

French 10

French 10 Team

Joyeuse St. Valentin & joyeuse journée de la famille! 

To practise with the daily routine vocabulary, you can practise on The Language Gym

To be ready for class on Tuesday:

  • make sure you have completed your classwork up to/including the activities on p 17


French 11

French 11 Team

Joyeuse St. Valentin & joyeuse journée de la famille! 

Students M-Z:

To be ready for class on Tuesday:

  • please complete your classwork up to/including #3 on p 32-33

To prepare for assessments next week:

  • review p 38-39 & select some phrases/language chunks to try to use in your own sentences
  • review the form & use of the two past tenses in French


Students A-L:

***OOPS! You will need a large, 11×17 sheet of paper to complete your work/prep for assessment next week. Come by the classroom anytime on Tuesday to pick one up 🙂

Here’s a song for you to listen to 🙂 You will share what you understand on Thursday!

 To be prepared for your end of unit assessments next week, please:

  • complete your class work on pages 32, 33 & 36 before Tues (because you will have other work to complete on Wednesday)
  • review p 38-39 & select some phrases/language chunks to try to use in your own sentences





Thursday, February 11, 2021

French 10

French 10 Team

To be prepared for class tomorrow:

  • review the vocabulary & structures from class today
  • make sure your classwork is complete from p6-11 
    • Check your verb endings!
  • practise the structures you have been learning by reading the dialogue on p 12 & complete the 6 questions from exercise 11


French 11

French 11 Team

Students M-Z:

  • Make sure your virtual Wednesday work & previous class work (p24-25) is complete for tomorrow!

Students A-L:

To be prepared for your end of unit assessments next week, please:

  • remember to check the blog daily throughout this week (even on days that you don’t have class)
  • complete your class work on pages 32, 33 & 36 before Tues
  • review p 38-39 & select some phrases/language chunks to try to use in your own sentences

***OOPS! You will need a large, 11×17 sheet of paper to complete your work/prep for assessment next week. Come by the classroom tomorrow to pick one up 🙂