Wednesday, February 24, 2021

French 10

French 10 Team

To be prepared for class tomorrow:

  • make sure that your class work is completed up to/including p22
  • save 5 screenshots of different houses/apartments to your phone
    • Try to have a variety of rooms or inside/outside photos
    • You will use these to describe & give opinions in partner conversations tomorrow
  • I will be adding new Language Gym activities at the end of the week
    • Please complete tasks already assigned by Friday. I will be recording completion for your Learning Engagement %


French 11

French 11 Team

Bon mercredi, les amis! 

ALL Students:  

Please scroll all the way down the page 🙂

  1. Re-tell (en français, bien sûr) a favourite fable that you remember reading or being told as a child
    • Divide a sheet of paper into 6 squares and sketch out part of the story in each box. 
    • Write a couple of sentences in each square to re-tell the story
    • You will share your stories with partners on Thursday
  • OR … create a fable of your own using the style of Jean de la Fontaine as a guide!
    • Follow the rest of the guidelines above
    • Try to personalize your fable by thinking of lessons that you have learned so far in life

               ***Pay close attention to your use of the past tense

               ***Level up! … Incorporate some structures/phrases from p38-39 in Unit 1

      2. Make sure that your Alice Ayel interpretive work is complete before your next class

      3. Language Gym activities also need to be completed today (if you haven’t already)

    • Completion of LG activities counts toward your Learning Engagement %
    • LG activities help you to develop speed with vocab & structures
    • Logging in & completing a couple of the questions does not count as ‘complete’



Tuesday, February 23, 2021

French 10

French 10 Team

To be prepared for class tomorrow:

  • Make sure you have completed your class work 
    • Here is the Trotro video we watched in class
    • Complete the sentences about the video on p 5 of your Ma Maison Idéale unit
    • Review the sentence builder on p 14 & complete p 15, 16, 17
  • Study the new vocabulary on p 1-4

***Reminder:  50 Essential Verbs check-in tomorrow


French 11

French 11 Team


Remember to check the blog tomorrow for your Virtual Wednesday tasks 

Students M-Z:

Here is video # 1 from class today

Here is video #2 from class today



Complete the activities on The Language Gym before your next class (click on link at the top of the page). Your goal is to have an accuracy rate that is in the “Fully Meeting” range.