Thursday, February 4, 2021

French 10

French 10 Team

To be prepared for class tomorrow:

  • make sure you have completed your classwork up to/including p 27
  • review the action words/verbs on p 39

***Please return your signed tech form if you haven’t already!


French 11

French 11 Team

Students A-L:

  • Please review the learning objectives on p 2 and set goals for the unit on p 3
  • If you haven’t already read through the Fr 9 & 10 brainstorming, please review it on Wednesday’s blog post. It will help you to think about that you are already supposed to be able to do/use in French
  • Please write 5 sentences using a combination of reflexive & reciprocal verbs from p 10-11 of your first unit package
  • Please review this lesson & complete the fill-in-the-blank quiz for some immediate feedback
  • Please review the poem on p 17 & complete the classwork that accompanies the poem on p 16, 18, 19

Students M-Z:

  • Make sure you have completed your class work from Tuesday (Questions & sentences + online quiz)
  • Please return your signed tech permission form tomorrow