Wednesday, February 10, 2021

French 10

French 10 Team

To be prepared for class tomorrow, please

  • review/study the new vocabulary on pages 1-4 of your unit package


French 11

French 11 Team

Bon mercredi les amis!

The following song by Francis Cabrel uses the past, present and future tenses to express a father’s love for his child. It is quite poetic. 

TO DO TODAY (Please complete in order)

1.  Click on the video and listen to the song

2.  Go to the Questions Pour Madame channel & respond to my question by 1:15. A “fully meeting” response answers in a complete sentence AND comments/reacts to at least one classmate. 

3. Then, complete the interpretive activities about the song on p 42-43 of your unit package. 

4. On p 41 of your unit, challenge yourself to write a poem that includes the 3 tenses. Try to use 5 vocab words from the song in your own poem. 


Tuesday, February 9, 2021

French 10

French 10 Team

To prepare for your written assessment tomorrow:

  • Review the vocabulary you need to talk about yourself, where you live, your family, etc
  • Review the structures and language that was highlighted in your practice write on Monday

French 11

French 11 Team

All Students:

Remember that Virtual Wednesdays are NOT optional! You are expected to check the blog by 1:00 and to be ready to participate or respond as asked

Please complete your class work on p 24-25 before tomorrow

  • I recommend that you spend time studying the patterns you worked with in your sentences so that they become part of your daily vocabulary

You might find the following videos helpful in trying to remember how the Passé Composé works. Please take the time to watch!