Wednesday, February 17, 2021

French 10

French 10 Team

To be prepared for class tomorrow, please

  • complete your classwork up to/including #9 on p 28
  • review the past tense structure & vocabulary 


French 11

French 11 Team

Bon mercredi les amis!

Your work for today is to complete your personal timeline & to prepare to share them with partners in your next class. 

Please scroll back to yesterday’s blog post for the details!


***You will also have an interpretive reading assessment at the beginning of your next class



Tuesday, February 16, 2021

French 10

French 10 Team

To memorize the daily routine vocabulary, you can practise on The Language Gym

  • Click on the link below, enter your class, and click on the assignments 
    • Complete these activities by Thursday, please
    • New activities will be added towards the end of the week
  • Review the in-class readings & new vocabulary on p 19-22 


French 11

French 11 Team

All Students:

  • review the answer key for your work on p 32 & 36 here (please ignore the duplicate page!) p32&36

To prepare for your assessment at the end of the week

  • continue to review the 2 past tenses along with the language chunks on p 38-39
  • complete the ‘chronologie de ma vie’ assignment & bring your 11×17 timeline to your next class

CHRONOLOGIE DE MA VIE   (timeline of my life ….up to this point)

Using an 11×17 sheet of paper, please:

  • draw a timeline from the year you were born to present
  • include two sentences for each year of your life (things that happened, things that you did, activities that you participated in, etc)
  • include a quick sketch/visual for each year

Be prepared:

  • to only use words & language that you know (Reliance on a translator means that you are not meeting expectations at this time)
    • You may look up a maximum of 3 single words. Please include them in a glossary somewhere on your page.
  • to share your timeline with partners
  • to ask/answer follow-up questions
  • to use past tenses (and present or future as needed depending on questions)
  • to use sequencing and frequency words (see p37-40)
  • to hand in your timeline at the end of class

***En première année = In grade one        En deuxième année = In grade two    …etc.

*** J’ai commencé la première année = I started grade one