Friday, March 19, 2021

French 10

French 10 Team


To be ready for the first week back, please

  • make sure that work from your last class was completed on p 16-22 in your unit
  • read Le Voyage & be prepared to ask and answer questions about the story
  • do a quick search for the places that Emily visits in the novel
    • Avignon
    • Nice
    • Arles
    • Nîmes
    • l’Aqueduc du pont de garde

1. For your research, save some screenshots on your phone of the places & be prepared to share 3 interesting facts about each place with your partner

2. We only have 5 or 6 classes together after the break. The novel is meant to help you maintain your current level of language. If you have been struggling with vocabulary or language structures, this time away from school provides you an opportunity to do some review.

3. I have opened up the archived Language Gym lessons for anyone who wants to go back and keep practising previous learning. Those assignments have a completion date of April 6th, but remember that they will close before then.

  • I have also added 5 new assignments related to our food unit. They have a completion date of April 14th. One of the tasks is verb practice – past tense irregulars.
  • You can also select Games from the top bar and choose your own activities to review any of the themes from French 9. 

Manage your time over the break so that you relax, have fun & return to school feeling refreshed and ready to continue learning 🙂 


French 11

French 11 Team

To be prepared for the first week back

  • complete your country research & cite your sources (separate sheet is fine)
  • see this document for details about the infographic Country Infographic
  • consider doing some extra practice on The Language Gym. New assignments have been added related to travel, and using the future & conditional tenses
  • spend some time reviewing the new vocabulary & structures we’ve been looking at in your new unit

Remember that 

  • your infographic is due by Monday, April 5th (the day before we return) at 1pm on Teams
  • simply reading your infographic to your group is boring! Try to think about what you will add to your presentation that isn’t written & how the visuals add to what you are trying to convey. 
  • your reactions to and opinions about what you researched, learned or discovered are an important part of “personalizing” and “adding detail” 
  • you must use the language structures that we’ve worked on in class! Make sure you aren’t relying on a translator for sentence structures because doing that means you are “not meeting” expectations. Only use a device to check a conjugation, for masc/feminine or for an essential vocabulary word.
  • you must provide a glossary for any words you look up. Maximum 5 words!










Thursday, March 18, 2021

French 10

French 10 Team


To be prepared for class tomorrow, please

  • make sure that your Wednesday tasks were completed
  • be ready to discuss Ch 1 of the novel and the questions at the end


French 11

French 11 Team

On célèbre la langue française partout au monde cette semaine 🙂

C’est la semaine de la francophonie!

To be prepared for class tomorrow, please

  • make sure you have completed your class work up to the end of p 55
  • review your understanding of what we worked on in class today  (future & conditional) 








Wednesday, March 17, 2021

French 10

French 10 Team

Bon mercredi, les amis!

Follow the steps to complete your virtual Wednesday work at home.

  1. Turn to p 5 of your new unit. Look at the picture and make predictions to answer the 3 questions (in French). 
  2. Listen to the following short episode called Alice in Paris – Submergée au marché and write any words that you understand the first time that you listen. Don’t worry if you don’t understand many! You will have time to work through it 🙂                          
  3. On p 6, Activité 1, put the events of the episode in chronological order & write the meaning of each event in English
  4. Skip to p 8-9 and complete Activité 4. Use the word banks on the left to fill in the blanks. Once complete, re-listen to the episode and try to read along with the narration. 

***Make sure you have read Chapter 1 of Le Voyage & completed the questions before your next class


French 11

French 11 Team

On célèbre la langue française partout au monde cette semaine 🙂

C’est la semaine de la francophonie!

Here’s the video about la francophonie that we watched in class today

      1. Read through the following powerpoint & write down your answers to the questions     at the end     Francophone-Africa-(2)

     2.  Check the list of countries on this page Country research

  • go to the Questions Pour Madame channel to answer my question & say which country or region you are going to learn about & present.
  • Make sure that another student has not already selected that region! Only one student/place.

       3. Make sure you have finished and reviewed your class work on pages 24-27 & 14-15








Tuesday, March 16, 2021

French 10

French 10 Team

On célèbre la langue française partout au monde cette semaine 🙂

C’est la semaine de la francophonie!

All Students

To be prepared for Thursday/Friday classes, please read the first chapter of “Le voyage” & answer the questions on p4

***Don’t forget to check the blog tomorrow morning. You will have an assignment for your new unit!

French 11

French 11 Team

On célèbre la langue française partout au monde cette semaine 🙂

C’est la semaine de la francophonie!


To be prepared for class tomorrow

  • review the new vocabulary for the infographics read together in class
  • finish reading & taking notes on p 8







Monday, March 15, 2021

French 10

French 10 Team

On célèbre la langue française partout au monde cette semaine 🙂

C’est la semaine de la francophonie!

A-L Students

Bon travail aujourd’hui, les amis 🙂

To be prepared for Thursday, please read the first chapter of “Le voyage” & answer the questions on p4

***Don’t forget to check the blog on Wednesday morning. You will have an assignment for your new unit!

M-Z Students

Make sure you have completed all class work

    • story & questions p 14-17
    • review of the sentence builder about getting along with family on p 19
    • finish reading Jean-Paul et ses amis

Check last Thursday’s post for reminders about how to prepare for your assessments this week

French 11

French 11 Team

On célèbre la langue française partout au monde cette semaine 🙂

C’est la semaine de la francophonie!

Bon travail aujourd’hui, les amis!

  • End of unit interpretive assessment tomorrow …  review the vocabulary, phrases & language structures that we’ve been working with throughout








Thursday, March 11, 2021

French 10

French 10 Team


Make sure you have completed all class work

    • story & questions p 14-17
    • review of the sentence builder about getting along with family on p 19
    • finish reading Jean-Paul et ses amis

To prepare for end of unit assessments on Monday/Tuesday

  • review unit vocabulary & structures
  • use The Language Gym -> GAMES  (top right) to independently practice verbs structures, vocabulary or previously learned units  (after completing the assigned tasks, of course! They will close tomorrow at the latest.)
  • Remember that strong communicators are good listeners & they ask interesting questions
    • spend some time thinking about general questions to ask when getting to know a person & what types of follow up questions you can put together in French


French 11

French 11 Team

Bon weekend les amis!

As a follow-up to today’s castle conversations & to further prepare for Monday

  • think about what went well/what could have been better
  • practice any new vocab that you realized that you needed, but didn’t have for your conversations today 
  • think about ways that you can discuss and personalize rather than ‘just tell’ … talking about what you like/think is cool, whether you would like to go there, what stands out for you etc are all ways of personalizing
  • Comparing & contrasting your castles is a great way to use some of our unit vocabulary & personalize or share opinions at the same time 

Take the time to read the legend of ‘Le monstre du lac Banyoles” & to write 6-10 questions to ask a partner









Wednesday, March 10, 2021

French 10

French 10 Team

Bon mercredi les amis! 

Your task for this morning:

  1. Read the short story on p 20 of your unit (*Note that it is written in the past tense)
  2. Write an ending for the story
  3. Complete some assignments on The Language Gym


A-L Students

To be ready for class tomorrow, make sure that you have also

  • completed your story questions on p 17 
  • read to the end of Chapter 3 in Jean-Paul et ses amis


  • work on completing the questions on p 17
  • read a chapter a day of the novel to be finished by next Tuesday


French 11

French 11 Team

To be prepared for class tomorrow

  • finish your class work on pages 38-43
  • listen to Alice Ayel tell the story of Jeanne d’Arc & takes notes about what you understand


For partner conversations tomorrow

  • Castle Research
    • It must be from the Middle Ages
    • It must be in France
    • Take notes on the basics (in English) … where it is located, interesting history or legend, details about description, etc   ***Try to personalize! What do you like or find interesting?
    • Save screen shots on your phone to make the conversation more interesting


*** Review the new vocabulary from your unit

*** Complete the new tasks on The Language Gym by Friday









Tuesday, March 9, 2021

French 10

French 10 Team


We will not see each other again in class until next Tuesday! Please check the blog over the coming days so that you are on track & ready for your end of unit conversations on Tuesday.

For tonight:

  • re-read the story & complete questions for the story on p 17
  • review/study new vocabulary


  • The Language Gym assignments should be completed by Friday evening
  • Remember to check the blog tomorrow morning for your virtual tasks


French 11

French 11 Team

To be prepared for class tomorrow

  • make sure you have finished your class work
    • Venn Diagram on p 36
    • presentational write on p 37

For Thursday

  • Castle Research
    • It must be from the Middle Ages
    • It must be in France
    • Take notes on the basics (in English) … where it is located, interesting history or legend, details about description, etc   ***Try to personalize! What do you like or find interesting?
    • Save screen shots on your phone to make the conversation more interesting


*** Review the new vocabulary from your unit

*** Complete the new tasks on The Language Gym by Friday









Monday, March 8, 2021

French 10

French 10 Team

M-Z Group:

Make sure you have completed last week’s class work (infographic questions + 10 sentences) for class tomorrow!

A-L Group:

To be ready for Thursday’s class

  • complete your class work from today (questions for the story on p 17)
  • review the new vocabulary from both readings today
  • read up to the end of Chapter 3 of your novel & be prepared to discuss as a group

***Remember to check the blog on Wednesday for your virtual tasks


French 11

French 11 Team

To be prepared for class tomorrow

  • make sure you have finished your class work
    • complete exercises # 1, #3, #5  about comparing on p 27- 28
    • the interpretive work on p 33-34 based on the readings on p 30–33

For Thursday

  • Start your castle research
    • It must be from the Middle Ages
    • It must be in France
    • Take notes on the basics … where it is located, interesting history or legend, details about description, etc   ***Try to personalize! What do you like, find interesting?


*** Review the new vocabulary from your unit

*** Complete some of the new tasks on The Language Gym









Friday, March 5, 2021

French 10

French 10 Team

To be ready for your next class, please

  • complete & review your class work on pages 5-9

***Here is infographic #2 from p 6 in colour so that you can more easily see the percentages 🙂

  • study the new action words & vocabulary for this unit
  • work through activities on The Language Gym … I will be adding new ones later today


French 11

French 11 Team

All Students:

To be prepared for your next class, please

  • make sure that your interpretive and presentational class work is complete on p 17-20
  • review the structure & word choice for making comparisons (p24-25) when writing your 10 sentences on p 20
  • complete the listening interpretive on p 21 while watching this video

  • review/study new words … learning check-ins coming 🙂
  • The Language Gym tasks have now closed … you can always explore some games on your own to refresh your memory on topics that you have previously studied 🙂