Friday, January 15, 2021

French 9

Français 9 Team

All Students:

C’est la fin des aventures de Napoleon!

***End of unit Napoléon conversations & interpretive evaluations will be on Monday/Tuesday next week

***Presentational writing assessment will be on Thursday/Friday next week


French 10

Français 10 Team

  • Use the following link to complete the interpretive work about Alice à Paris on pages 5-9 of your new unit
  • Over the weekend, watch this episode from Season 2 of the series to find out why Alice moved to Paris & be prepared to discuss in class


Thursday, January 14, 2021

French 9

Français 9 Team

Students A-L:

***End of unit Napoléon conversations will be on Monday/Tuesday next week

***Presentational writing assessment will be on Thursday/Friday next week

Students M-Z:

Reminder that the ‘classroom expressions’ check-in is tomorrow!

French 10

Français 10 Team

For tomorrow:

  • review the last 3 units (as needed) for vocabulary & structures to prepare for your conversations tomorrow
  • submit your video (1 min max) to Teams
  • review the 50 essential verbs in past tense for learning check-in

***Getting a good night of sleep & eating breakfast/lunch is the best thing you can do before an evaluation. Please do not stay up late ‘cramming’ or scrolling through social media. Your French brain doesn’t work as well when it’s exhausted!