Monday, April 12, 2021

French 10

French 10 Team

Students A-L

Make sure you have completed/reviewed your classwork 

  • articles we use when talking about food  p 34-35
  • how the articles change when making negative statements p 36
  • how to replace food words with ‘en’ (for variety & to avoid repetition) p 37
  • practise using all the articles p 38
  • conversation practice & declining invitations using p 39-40
  • shopping in different stores & making a grocery list on p 42-43

For homework

  • Read the short text about going to a restaurant on p 44-45 & complete the practice activities on p 46

Students M-Z

Make sure you have completed your listening activities from your last class

French 11

French 11 Team

Tomorrow you will share your infographics & teach others about the country you studied

Be prepared to

  • answer follow up questions
  • share some info that is not included on your infographic
  • discuss your opinions, ideas and reactions to what you learned