Tuesday, May 10, 2022

FR 10  Bloc 3

Français 10 Team

The Language Gym

For class today, students

  • shared their language goal with partners & discussed how to support each other
  • reviewed strategies on p 3 of the new unit
  • started practising pronunciation of new vocabulary for the food unit p 4-5
  • watched this video & worked through interpretive tasks 1 + 2 on p 7-8

To be ready for class tomorrow

  • review your class work & make sure it’s finished
  • consider re-listening to the audio for practice or saying the sentences from p 8 aloud

FR 11  Bloc 4

Français 11 Team

The Language Gym

For class today, students

  • listened to this song
  • used the lyrics on p 54-55 of their la République Française unit to help them understand & discuss meaning
  • discussed the powerpoint about Francophone Africa & the infographics about France from yesterday’s class
  • looked at which verbs require a preposition & which ones don’t when discussing travel p 14-15
  • reviewed the rules for which preposition to use when travelling to or coming from a country  on p 22 & did the practise work on p 23
  • got more practice with prepositions on p 15

To be ready for class tomorrow

  • review your class work for comprehension & make sure it’s finished!


FR 12  Bloc 5

Français 12 Team

The Language Gym

In class today, students

  • reviewed yesterday’s interpretive work on p 48-51
  • practised their pronunciation on p 51
  • continued to work through vocabulary & sentence building activities on p 49-53

To be ready for class tomorrow

*** End of unit infographic details (due date to be determined … ) 

       FR 12 Infographic