FR 10 Bloc 3
For class today, students
- worked through the following interpretive listening tasks using p 38-39 in the unit package
For tomorrow
- End of unit interpretive listening assessment
***Please come to ESS if you missed the 50 essential verbs learning check-in on Monday
FR 11 Bloc 4
For class today, students
- shared their “level up” paragraphs with partners & had an opportunity to receive feedback from Mme
- reviewed how to talk about what is necessary, essential or “what one must do” in French p 80-81
- practised understanding & giving directions using p 20-21 & maps of Coquitlam
For class tomorrow
- end of unit interpretive reading & short written task
***End if unit conversations about a future trip are scheduled for THIS Thursday.
- Plan for a 4-day stay in the French region that you chose in class.
- Take notes about your plans in English.
- Save some screenshots to your phone to share with partners to make your conversation more interesting.
- Be strategic! Think about how you can include new vocabulary & language structures in your conversations.
FR 12 Bloc 5
In class today, students
- reviewed Chapter 9 work & discussed
- started Chapter 10 conversations & reading
For class tomorrow
- Make sure that you have finished reading Chapter 10, completed the work and are prepared to discuss