Monday, May 4, 2020

French 9

Français 9 Team



Send me an email if you need some extra help with French or just want to chat…


  • This  is the last week of new stories about Napoléon!
  • Read one story each day & make a list of new vocabulary and language structures
  • I have given you less questions as practice work this week to allow you extra time to review all of the stories (+ vocabulary, expressions & language structures) in preparation for your end of unit assessment next week.
  • I will be hosting a class meeting to discuss assessments this Wednesday at 1pm. Please join if you can & come with your questions!
  • Submit Assignment #6 only when you have reviewed the feedback you received on previous Napoléon assignments, finished the 3 short stories & related work.

1. Napoléon et Mimi

2 Le Mariage de Napoléon

3. Le vieux Napoléon

***Complete these questions in full sentences (in French, of course!) & submit to Teams by Thursday, May 7th  at 4:30         Le vieux Napoléon ques




  • Call a friend from class & practise retelling the whole story of Napoléon’s life. Ask & answer each other’s questions.
  • Expand your vocabulary and comprehension by listening to a different story each day. There are 30 stories in Saison 1!
  • With parent permission, sign up for a Duolingo account and spend 5 minutes a day learning new vocabulary and challenging your skills
  • Choose a different section from your Unit 1 package to review each day. A lot of novice work is memorization of basic vocabulary and expressions! Make cue cards, use Quizlet, call a friend from class to speak in French, practise using vocabulary and structures in your own sentences & questions  … or teach someone at home what you know!
  • Let me know if you are doing optional, extra work to extend your learning of French. Submit this on Teams by Friday, May 8th    Level Up Optional Practice
  • If you don’t participate in the optional activities, please don’t turn in the handout.


French 11

Français 11 Block 3 Team

Français 11 Block 4 Team


Avez-vous passé une bonne fin de semaine? 



  • Assignment 9  |  Week 5 of le journal visuel:
  • I’d like to focus more on speaking this week!
  • Please submit a short audio or video journal entry this week. I’d love to see your faces (and it IS easier to understand!) but if you prefer audio only, that’s fine too.
  • Most phones have an audio/voice memo option that you can save & upload to Teams
  • You choose the topic!
    • Remember that our goal is always to communicate as naturally as possible (please do not read a text to me).
    • In French 11, we are communicating in more detail with a variety of personal vocabulary, using connecting words & more than one sentence to explain and describe.


2.  Assignment 10 | End of Unit Preparation for Small Group Interpersonal Assessment


Crac!  by Fredéric Back

  • Watch this wordless, short Québécois film
    • Make notes about the events (in English) & your interpretation of the theme of the film
    • Do some quick research on the film director/artist & take notes in English
  • Watch this short Québécois film based on a well-known French legend
    • (You read a condensed version of this with Mme Thiele earlier this semester)

    • Take notes in English about the story & what you think happens at the end
    • NOTE:  This is a very old legend and there are many, many versions of it. Focus on what happens in this short film version.

You have now read and watched  Le Chandail de Hockey and learned a little about the importance of a French identity for many Québécois.

You have learned a little about the Acadians, where they came from, what happened to them in the tragic history of French/British tensions & colonialism, and where many of their descendants live today.

And now you have watched these two short Québécois films. What questions do you have about them? As we scratch the surface of this topic, what new understandings or interpretations have you gained about French-Canadian culture and history?

On Tuesday, May 12th for Block 3 French 11 and Wednesday, May 13th for Block 4 French 11, you will participate in small group discussions about French-Canadian history & culture based on what you have read and viewed in recent weeks. The goals are:

    • to demonstrate some knowledge of French-Canadian history & culture
    • to ask & answer questions about French-Canadian history & culture
    • to retell some of the highlights or main events of the stories you have read/watched
    • to make some personal connections and comparisons or share reactions to the stories & films

You will be assessed just as you are in class:

    • for using strategies to help yourself & support your group partners
    • for being an equal, engaged participant in the conversation
    • for asking clarifying questions
    • for speaking clearly & using the vocabulary and language structures that are expected and appropriate at this point in your language learning

It will be different than what you are used to doing in the classroom because:

    • we won’t be in class 🙁
    • you will be in small groups rather than partners of two
    • I will be a little more involved because I will moderate as necessary (rather than just listen & take notes)

To be ready for next Tuesday or Wednesday, you

  • must sign up for a small group conversation time on the Questions Pour Madame Channel by replying to my request by Wednesday this week!
  • should make sure you have read and watched everything & have the needed vocabulary to discuss them
  • can generate some questions (review how to form questions if this is a challenge for you) and ideas to share on the topic (and have notes in English)



  • Here’s another challenge. Can you do it? Let us know on the Questions Pour Madame channel & use the @mention to challenge a friend from class! Bravo to Block 4 students who participated in this last week and tagged their classmates to try it too 🙂
  • I will post the novel, Alice, on Teams. It is actually the first story about Alice (for those who already read Khadra, 63 rue d’Aubagne).
  • Both novels will be accessible on Teams until the end of May for those who are looking to challenge themselves & extend their learning. Reading is a great way to expand your vocabulary, improve sentence structure and immerse yourself in the language while confined at home!
  • Let me know if you’re doing optional, extra work. Submit this on Teams by Friday at 4:30  Level Up Optional Practice


French 12

Français 12 Team



Please remember to check in with me personally if you haven’t been on Teams, missed handing in an assignment or just need some support! It’s important to maintain good communication while working remotely 🙂



We’re starting the second lesson in our Environment Unit this week.

  • Lesson 2 is all about pollution.
  • For Partie II Interprétation Écrite, you need a partner. One partner reads article A and the other reads article B.
    • Then, for Partie III Communication Interpersonnelle, you will conduct an interview with your partner. Use this for your interviews Lesson-2-interview
  • For Partie V, you need this article Pollution1  Pollution2
  • By Friday, May 15th, please submit this:   la pollution




  • Watch a French film & tell a friend in class all about it (en français, bien sûr!)
  • Create a French music playlist & post your favourite song on the Questions pour Madame Channel with a link so that others can hear it too
  • Watch new Alice in Paris episodes
  • Saison 2
  • Continue working through the TV5Monde activities posted last week
  • Begin reading one of the two novels I will post for you on Teams
  • Let me know if you’re doing optional, level up work. Submit this to me on Teams by Monday, May 11th Level Up Optional Practice