Monday, April 27, 2020

French 9

Français 9 Team



Send me an email if you need some extra help with French or just want to chat…


  • This week we will continue the short story unit about Napoléon.
  • At this point, it’s a good idea to continue to practise retelling a little of Napoléon’s story from each book and then add the necessary details from the new stories.
  • By the end of the stories, your goal is to retell Napoléon’s adventures in your own words.
  • Read one story each day, keep a list of new vocabulary and complete the questions & answers.
  • Days that you do not have a new story to read should include studying of the new vocabulary, creating your own questions, and practising to retell & ask and answer questions with a partner.
  • Submit Assignment #5 only when you have finished the 3  short stories & related work

1. Napoléon et le voleur

2. Napoléon est malade

3. Napoleon est prisonnier

Assignment 5 Napoléon 7 à 9


  • Expand your vocabulary and comprehension by listening to a different story each day. There are 30 stories in Saison 1!
  • With parent permission, sign up for a Duolingo account and spend 5 minutes a day learning new vocabulary and challenging your skills
  • Choose a different section from your Unit 1 package to review each day. A lot of novice work is memorization of basic vocabulary and expressions! Make cue cards, use Quizlet, call a friend from class to speak in French, practise using vocabulary and structures in your own sentences & questions  … or teach someone at home what you know!
  • Let me know if you are doing optional, extra work to extend your learning of French. Submit this on Teams by Friday, May 1st    Level Up Optional Practice



French 11

Français 11 Block 3 Team

Français 11 Block 4 Team


J’espère que vous allez tous bien. Laisse-moi savoir si vous avez besoin de n’importe quoi….



  1. Assignment 7  |  Week 4 of le journal visuel: Follow the same format as last week (written or video + image).
      •  Take a look at this 1jour1actu report about children confined at home around the world. Maybe it will help to generate some new ideas or vocab!

        5 enfants confinés sur 5 continents

      • Be creative! Topic of your choice this week.
      • As always, please provide a list of words or phrasing that you had to look up, but challenge yourself to use the language that you already have! Submit on Teams by Friday, May 1st.


2.  Assignment 8  |  L’Acadie et les Acadiens


  • Here’s a fun, sporty challenge in French. Can you do it? Let us know on the Questions Pour Madame channel & use the @mention to challenge a friend from class!
  • I will post the novel, Khadra, on Teams for those who are looking to challenge themselves & extend their learning. Reading is a great way to expand your vocabulary, improve sentence structure and immerse yourself in the language while confined at home!
  • See this link for a contest with Canadian Parents for French. It closes on Saturday, but looks perfect for those of you who like to talk!
  • Let me know if you’re doing optional, extra work. Submit this on Teams Level Up Optional Practice


French 12

Français 12 Team



Please remember to check in with me personally if you haven’t been on Teams, missed handing in an assignment or just need some support! It’s important to maintain good communication while working remotely 🙂



We’re starting a new unit on the environment this week! Please download the unit package Environnement Pkg

  • Lesson 1 is all about global warming. There are activities in the package for all modes. Connect with a classmate to complete the interpersonal work! Please complete all activities (minus the game on page 3) by Monday, May 4th. (I will post the answers to the activities on the blog that day.)
  • The articles for part VI Interprétation Écrite are here Global-Warming1  Global-Warming2
  • By Friday, May 1st, please submit this le réchauffement climatique


  • The Canadian Parents for French have organized a virtual contest that would be great for some of you who like to talk! It closes Saturday, but take a look at it here
  • Let me know if you participate!

Monday, April 20, 2020

French 9

Français 9 Team


  • This week we will continue the short story unit about Napoléon.
  • The repetition in the stories is necessary for language learners. Take the time to practice the vocabulary so that it becomes familiar … make your own Quizlet or a set of cue cards
  • Read one story each day this week (Tues-Thurs), keep a list of new vocabulary and complete the handouts for the first two stories. Completing the handouts will help you to learn and understand the stories, and to prepare for your end of unit assessments. Don’t skip them!
  • Last week, some of you partnered with a friend while you worked through the story. Bravo! I believe that reading aloud and discussing the story as you go helps you to further develop your language and makes learning more fun! The more time you spend reading and talking about the stories in French, the more language you will acquire. Make a plan with someone from class or from your family so that you are not always working alone.
  • Submit Assignment #4 only when you have finished the 3  short stories & related work

1.   Napoléon et la souris

2.   Napoléon et le chien méchant

3.   Napoleon et l’oiseau

    • Audio of Madame reading the story (optional listening for pronunciation)
    • Make a list of new vocabulary and structures from the story
    • Practise retelling the 3 stories from this week aloud. Challenge yourself to retell without looking at the text. Make a list of words you forget or are unsure of so that you can practise them more.
    • Assignment#4


  • I would like to invite everyone to meet with me on Monday (TODAY) at 1 pm on Teams for a video chat about Napoléon, some of the new language structures & anything else you’d like to discuss. I recommend that you set yourself up before 1 pm. I will post the link to join on Teams around 12:50. You can join before 1pm, mute your mic and turn off your video until I start the meeting.


French 11

Français 11 Block 3 Team

Français 11 Block 4 Team


Les amis, j’espère que vous avez aimé lire l’histoire du Chandail de Hockey la semaine passée. Cette semaine, nous allons s’amuser un peu plus 🙂


  1. Assignment 5  |  Week 3 of le journal visuel: Follow the same format as last week (written or video + image).
    • I’d like to hear what you’ve been doing to keep yourself busy at home during the quarantine.
    • This gives you an opportunity to use more than one tense as you might include what you do every day (present), what you did during the week that was different (past), what plans you have for the week or weekend ahead (future), and you could even include what you would do if you could (conditional) or what is necessary to do (subjunctive)!
    • As always, please provide a list of words or phrasing that you had to look up, but challenge yourself to use the language that you already have! Submit on Teams by Friday, April 24.
  2. As a follow up to reading a French-Canadian children’s story, I’d like you to delve into the world of French music and find at least one group or musician that you really like. Start with a genre that you already enjoy in English (or any other language) and share a song that you like with the rest of the class.
    • Moi, j’adore plein de musiciens et de musiciennes francophones …trop pour les inclure tous ici!  Coeur de Pirate, Zaz, Tibz, Francis Cabrel, Pomme … mais il y en a pour tout le monde. Amusez-vous bien!   Assignment 6 Une chanson que j’aime


  1. I’ll be sending out an invite for a class meeting on Teams this week. I’d love to see you there if you’re available! Wednesday … Block 3 at 11am & Block 4 at 1pm
  2. Have extra time & looking for things to do that don’t involve a screen? Take a look here défis-en-famille-confinement  There are some fun & creative activities! Share on the Question Channel if you pick one of these.
  3. Looking for a way to challenge your French listening skills?
    • There are lots of free listening activities here. No sign up required. You can even take a test to find out which level you should focus on 🙂
    • Also, reading and listening/viewing activities here (by theme)

      Les actus à la une



French 12

Français 12 Team

Once again, awesome work les amis! Everyone handed in their infographics!


  1. It’s all about speaking and listening this week! Please sign up for a time to meet on Thursday in small groups on Teams to share what you learned in your research for your cultural infographic.
    • Available time slots will be posted on the Question Channel. Reply to book your slot.
    • Yes, you can choose to ‘meet’ with your friends if you want.
    • Each person will take notes on what they hear/understand and, after the conversation, fill out this chart & submit on Teams by Friday  Cultural Show & Tell
  2. I’ll also be sending you feedback & corrections on the text of your infographic and asking for corrections to be submitted.
  3. To work on listening & viewing skills that are at your own level, go to and take the test. Then, you can choose your listening activities within the level most suitable for you. Choose at least one activity from a theme/topic of interest.
  4. Submit the handout on Teams TV5Monde Handout

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

French 9

Français 9 Team

Bonjour les amis! Comment était la longue fin de semaine? 

*If you haven’t yet submitted your comic on Teams, I have sent you an email. Please reply     today & hand in your assignment as soon as you can.


  • This week we are starting the short story unit about Napoléon – a cat who has many adventures! I’m disappointed that we can’t discover these stories together but I hope you will enjoy reading them at home. You will develop your vocabulary and sentence structure as you read, and become more comfortable asking and answering a variety of questions.
  • You will read one story each day this week (Tues-Thurs), keep a list of new vocabulary and complete the handouts for the first two stories. Completing the handouts will help you to learn and understand the stories, and to prepare for your end of unit assessments. Don’t skip them!
  • I encourage you to partner with a friend from class (remotely, of course!) to practice reading the stories aloud and asking/answering the questions … just like we would if we could all gather together in the classroom! You could also read them with a sibling or a parent 🙂
  • Submit Assignment #3 only when you have finished the 3  short stories & related work
  • If you have any questions, please share them on the Questions Pour Madame channel on Teams because someone else probably has the same question! I’m also available for a phone call or video conference. Let me know how I can support you 🙂

1. The little Napoleon

2. Chez la vieille dame

3.Book 3 Napoléon a faim

4. Assignment #3 Napoléon 1-3


French 11

Français 11 Block 3 Team

Français 11 Block 4 Team

Bonjour les amis 🙂 J’espère que vous allez tous bien.

  • If you haven’t yet turned in your assignment from last week, please send me an email and let me know how you are. Try to hand in your assignment as soon as you can. 


  1. Assignment 3  |  Week 2 of le journal visuel: Follow the same format as last week (written or video + image).  J’aimerais savoir une chose que tu as apprise la semaine passée. Ça peut être personnel (quelque chose que tu as apprise de toi-même), académique, drôle, informatif, etc… This is a quick snapshot (using past tense & necessary vocabulary to explain or describe) & is not designed to take a LONG time. Submit on Teams by Friday, April 17 at 4:00.

Les amis, I’m super disappointed that we’re not together in the classroom to look at some   French-Canadian stories and short films and learn a little about the history & evolution of the French language across Canada. Because we only have three hours of French work each week, we will just take a quick look at one of the most famous Canadian stories for children. In English, it is called The Hockey Sweater. It was originally written in French by Roch Carrier and it is a story he first shared on Radio Canada as a personal essay on identity. It wasn’t until after he shared it, that the idea emerged for it to be an illustrated children’s book. The following activities are meant to help you to understand the story and to develop your vocabulary and sentence structure (* notice the use of the imparfait in this story for things that the children did on a regular basis in the past!)

2. Start by watching the short film version here

It’s only 10 minutes long. You may need to pause and rewatch certain parts. Challenge yourself to watch & listen in French.

3. Next, read a condensed version of the story here le_chandail_-_roch_carrier__1_

* I suggest working with a partner (remotely, of course!) to work through reading the story in the same way that we would in class.  This handout will help you to understand some of the new words and language structures that are in the story   le chandail vocab

4. Finally, answer the following questions in point form to ensure that you understand the important parts of the story & vocab    chandailquestions

*These are not to be handed in, but they will help you to prepare for your assessment next week.

5. Please complete your ‘study’ of the story by Monday, April 20th. Submit this Assignment 4 – Le chandail de Hockey  on Teams to confirm that you are ready. On Monday, I will post the details of your assessment here on the blog. We will set aside time next week for small group meetings on Teams to discuss the story.

***As always, I’ll be available throughout the week to answer your questions or support you any way that I can. Please submit questions about the assignment or French in general on the Questions Pour Madame channel on Teams … someone else probably has the same question! Email me if you need more personal support and we can arrange a phone call or video chat.


French 12

Français 12 Team

Bonjour tout le monde 🙂 Vous me manquez beaucoup. J’espère que vous êtes tous en bonne forme! Je suis bien contente que vous avez tous soumis votre travail de la semaine passée. Bravo! 


Assignment 3 – Infographie culturelle

Questions? Laissez-moi un message sur Teams 🙂


Monday, April 6, 2020

French 9

Français 9 Team

Bonjour les amis! I’m so happy to be reconnecting with you. 


  1. Read the following info so that you understand how we are going to move forward with learning French from home Remote Learning in French Class
  2. Complete Start Up Assignment #1 in Teams
  3. Complete & hand in Assignment #2 in Teams by Thursday, April 9th  Show What You Know Comic
  • * Of course you can hand it in sooner if that works for you!
  • * You will need to learn to manage your time & the assignments from each of your classes.
  • * Pace yourself and allow time for healthy habits like spending time with family, sleeping at regular hours, monitoring screen time, finding ways to exercise, etc.


French 11

Français 11 Block 3 Team

Français 11 Block 4 Team

Bonjour tout le monde! J’ai vraiment hâte de recevoir de vos nouvelles. 


  1. Read the following info so that you understand how we are going to move forward with learning French from home Remote Learning in French Class
  2. Complete Start Up Assignment #1 in Teams
  3. Complete & hand in Assignment #2 in Teams by the end of the day on Thurs, April 9th.  un journal visuel
  4. Extra time this week? Need something to get you moving? Here’s an upbeat French-Canadian song. This one’s all about overcoming obstacles & focusing on what really matters in life. Listen to it & do a search for some current French songs that you want to add to your playlist.


*Mme Thiele finished her practicum early because of the school closure. She and her family are all doing fine. She asked me to tell you how much she enjoyed working with you and that you are all AMAZING!  


French 12

Français 12 Team

Bonjour! Je veux tout savoir…qu’en pensez-vous de tout ce qui arrive?


  1. Read the following info so that you understand how we are going to move forward with learning French from home Remote Learning in French Class
  2. Complete Start Up Assignment #1 in Teams
  3. Assignment #2: Listen to the following audio podcast from Okapi Magazine & use the handout to check the things that you hear
  4. Submit in Teams by Thursday, April 9th
  5. Assignment #3: If, over the break, you didn’t start the research of a French-speaking person who has had an influence on francophone culture and/or society   –  start this week 🙂
  6. Infographic will be due April 17th. Rubric to follow. Scroll back on the blog if you need a reminder and post questions in Teams if you have any.

*Mme Thiele finished her practicum early because of the school closure. She and her family are all doing fine. She asked me to tell you how much she enjoyed working with you and that you are all AMAZING!