Monday, April 6, 2020

French 9

Français 9 Team

Bonjour les amis! I’m so happy to be reconnecting with you. 


  1. Read the following info so that you understand how we are going to move forward with learning French from home Remote Learning in French Class
  2. Complete Start Up Assignment #1 in Teams
  3. Complete & hand in Assignment #2 in Teams by Thursday, April 9th  Show What You Know Comic
  • * Of course you can hand it in sooner if that works for you!
  • * You will need to learn to manage your time & the assignments from each of your classes.
  • * Pace yourself and allow time for healthy habits like spending time with family, sleeping at regular hours, monitoring screen time, finding ways to exercise, etc.


French 11

Français 11 Block 3 Team

Français 11 Block 4 Team

Bonjour tout le monde! J’ai vraiment hâte de recevoir de vos nouvelles. 


  1. Read the following info so that you understand how we are going to move forward with learning French from home Remote Learning in French Class
  2. Complete Start Up Assignment #1 in Teams
  3. Complete & hand in Assignment #2 in Teams by the end of the day on Thurs, April 9th.  un journal visuel
  4. Extra time this week? Need something to get you moving? Here’s an upbeat French-Canadian song. This one’s all about overcoming obstacles & focusing on what really matters in life. Listen to it & do a search for some current French songs that you want to add to your playlist.


*Mme Thiele finished her practicum early because of the school closure. She and her family are all doing fine. She asked me to tell you how much she enjoyed working with you and that you are all AMAZING!  


French 12

Français 12 Team

Bonjour! Je veux tout savoir…qu’en pensez-vous de tout ce qui arrive?


  1. Read the following info so that you understand how we are going to move forward with learning French from home Remote Learning in French Class
  2. Complete Start Up Assignment #1 in Teams
  3. Assignment #2: Listen to the following audio podcast from Okapi Magazine & use the handout to check the things that you hear
  4. Submit in Teams by Thursday, April 9th
  5. Assignment #3: If, over the break, you didn’t start the research of a French-speaking person who has had an influence on francophone culture and/or society   –  start this week 🙂
  6. Infographic will be due April 17th. Rubric to follow. Scroll back on the blog if you need a reminder and post questions in Teams if you have any.

*Mme Thiele finished her practicum early because of the school closure. She and her family are all doing fine. She asked me to tell you how much she enjoyed working with you and that you are all AMAZING!  

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