Friday, March 13, 2020

French 9

  • If you were absent today, here is the practice writing handout Practice sentences  Please complete it before the first day back at school
  • During the last few days of the break, it would be a good idea to spend some time reviewing vocabulary and structures from Unit 1 so that you return to class confident with what you can say & do in French
  • We will be assessing your ability to communicate in writing during the first few days


French 11

  • If you were absent this week & missed assessments, you will be expected to make them up during the first days back after the break
  • Though you do not have assigned homework for the break, I encourage you to review language structures & vocabulary in the last days before you return to school
  • Consider listening to some French music, watching a French film or tv show or reading some short news articles online! Twitter, Instagram & Youtube offer great resources for listening and reading. They’re authentic and relevant…look for something that interests you 🙂


French 12


  • Begin to do some research about influential French-speaking people throughout history (not necessarily from France). Think about culture: artists, poets, writers, musicians, but also scientists, architects, leaders etc
  • You will have class time to work on this mini-research project at the end of the month, to create an infographic and to share your research with others orally by Friday, April 3rd. Bring a laptop on the first day back!





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