Monday, May 25, 2020

French 9

Français 9 Team


As always, I will be available every day this week to answer your questions. I would like to have a class meeting on Thursday to review the language concepts & structures. Please give me a ‘thumbs up’ on Teams to let me know if you can attend.


  • This week we are starting a new unit called ‘Me, my family, my friends’. Please open and download the following unit package   Moi, ma famille, mes amis
  • Review of basic structures, teaching of new language concepts, and new vocabulary are all included in this unit. It will be important that you allot time each day to work through it & to practise with a partner to develop confidence.
  • Please complete all of Leçon 1 this week.
  • Read through the lessons on grammar structures & complete the practise work. Then, complete & submit this handout on Teams by Friday, May 29th Leçon 1 – moi, ma famille, mes amis



  • Start looking ahead in the unit and memorizing the new vocabulary for lessons 2 & 3.
  • Expand your vocabulary and comprehension by listening to a different story each day. There are 30 stories in Saison 1!
  • With parent permission, sign up for a Duolingo account and spend 5 minutes a day learning new vocabulary and challenging your skills. It would be a good idea to focus on the same unit theme (family).
  • Submit this on Teams by Friday, May 29th   Level-Up-Optional-Practice
  • If you don’t participate in the optional activities, please don’t turn in the handout.


French 11

Français 11 Block 3 Team

Français 11 Block 4 Team



Here’s Keen’V dreaming and singing about a trip to Tahiti & the end of Covid isolation 🙂

  1. On the Questions Pour Madame channel, tell us what you dream of doing when life returns to normal (en français bien sûr)! PLEASE DO THIS BY TUESDAY & check back to react or reply to your classmates. I’d love to see some full sentence replies & gifs are welcome too. We need to find joy and laughter where we can 🙂
  2. Read the following infographic from Santé Canada infographie-canada-mangeons-sainement
  3. Complete these questions about the infographic Let’s eat healthy, questions
  4. Watch the following video about the serious effects of not getting enough sleep
  5. Answer these questions about the video TÂCHE INTERPRÉTATIVE manque de sommeil
  6. AFTER working through new vocab & completing your interpretive work, submit this handout to Teams by Friday, May 29th   La vie saine – tâches interprétatives




  • Begin or continue to read one of the novels accessible on Teams until the end of this week.
  • Watch a short film in French on the National Film Board of Canada site, or a short video clip on YouTube or other media. Call a friend and tell them all about it in French.
  • Write or record a journal entry for this week.
  • Let me know if you’re doing optional, extra work. Submit this on Teams by Friday, May 29th at 4:30. Optional Level Ups will only be looked at if submitted by the due date and time. PLEASE DO NOT TURN IN A BLANK DOCUMENT!  Level-Up-Optional-Practice


French 12

Français 12 Team



  • Complete Leçon 3:  La Déforestation by Thursday, May 28th and submit your handout on Teams by 4:30
  • Check your answers on the answer key package attached to your assignment on Teams
    • I will attach these after the due date
  • Prepare and sign up for small group conversations on the Questions Pour Madame channel by Wednesday, May 27th.
  • Please note:  There will be no new assignment next week except for the conversation on Wednesday 

OPTIONAL THIS WEEK (but important for next week!)

  • Start prepping for the conversations scheduled for Wednesday, June 3rd
  • Review the interpersonal sections of your unit package. These were designed to prepare you for conversations: asking questions on the topic, giving advice & sharing opinions
    • Prepare some interesting questions in advance to generate conversation (Think about the debates you had earlier in the year & remember to address a variety of aspects of the topic)
    • Remember that you will also be expected to ‘follow up’ with relevant questions that you did not prepare in advance
    • Review the essential vocab so that you can include details & explain in depth
    • Review the phrases & structures needed for sharing opinions & giving advice