Monday, May 11, 2020

French 9

Français 9 Team



To be ready for your oral assessment this Thursday, you must do the following things

  • Sign up for one of the time slots on the Questions Pour Madame Channel by tomorrow (Tuesday, May 12th)
  • Watch the recording of the class meeting on the General channel in Teams in which I explain what we will do and what the expectations are. The objective of the conversation is to show that you can
    • retell parts of the stories
    • ask & answer questions about the stories
    • react to & make connections to the story (See the back of your Unit 1 package for vocabulary & expressions for this)
  • Review the vocabulary from the stories, re-listen to or re-read the stories, & review how to form questions (Remember there are two ways to ask ‘yes/no’ questions.)
    • There are lots of question words & question practice/notes in your unit 1 package

Other ideas to study/prepare:

  • Make a list of all the characters that Napoléon meets throughout the stories.
  • Write a question about each character & phone a friend to practise asking your questions & listening to responses.
  • Make a list of describing words used in the stories and notice where they are placed in the sentence (Ex. la vieille dame … notice that old is placed before the person.  BUT, le chien méchant …. notice that ‘mean’ is placed after ‘dog’.)
    • Most describing words in French come after the word they describe (opposite to English) but a few are placed before. We will learn more about this soon, but pay attention to the patterns in the stories.
  • Describe Napoléon and explain why/what he does (ex. Napoléon est triste parce qu’il est seul.)
  • Review the words that help us talk about sequence, frequency or time (Unit 1 package)
  • Make a list of the action words in the story that are necessary to retell the plot. Notice the pattern.

***On Thursday morning, I will post a self-assessment rubric in Assignments on Teams. You will have 30 minutes to complete and submit it AFTER your conversation.






  • Expand your vocabulary and comprehension by listening to a different story each day. There are 30 stories in Saison 1!
  • With parent permission, sign up for a Duolingo account and spend 5 minutes a day learning new vocabulary and challenging your skills
  • Choose a different section from your Unit 1 package to review each day. A lot of novice work is memorization of basic vocabulary and expressions! Make cue cards, use Quizlet, call a friend from class to speak in French, practise using vocabulary and structures in your own sentences & questions  … or teach someone at home what you know!
  • Let me know if you are doing optional, extra work to extend your learning of French. Submit this on Teams by Friday, May 15th    Level Up Optional Practice
  • If you don’t participate in the optional activities, please don’t turn in the handout.


French 11

Français 11 Block 3 Team

Français 11 Block 4 Team


Here’s a new Arcadian song to start the week 🙂


  • There is no required journal entry this week.
  • Don’t forget to show up for the conversation time you chose for your oral assessment this week!
    • Tuesday for Block 3 & Wednesday for Block 4 (Check your times on Teams)
  • Review last week’s post for the objectives & ways to prepare

***On Tuesday morning (for Block 3) & Wednesday morning (for Block 4) I will post your self-assessment rubric in Assignments on Teams. You will have 4o minutes AFTER your conversation to complete and submit it.




  • Begin or continue to read one of the novels accessible on Teams until the end of May. Reading is a great way to expand your vocabulary, improve sentence structure and immerse yourself in the language while confined at home!
  • Write or record a journal entry for this week …  or a poem or story or song
  • Let me know if you’re doing optional, extra work. Submit this on Teams by Friday at 4:30  Level Up Optional Practice


French 12

Français 12 Team


Here’s a new Arcadian song to start the week 🙂


  • Continue working through Leçon 2:  La Pollution
  • Submit your handout to Teams by Friday, May 15th (at the latest, please)
    • See last week’s post for the handout & any other documents you need to complete the lesson
  • Review your Leçon 1 answers by checking the attachment to your assignment in Teams



  • Watch a French film & tell a friend in class all about it (en français, bien sûr!)
  • Create a French music playlist & post your favourite song on the Questions pour Madame Channel with a link so that others can hear it too
  • Watch new Alice in Paris episodes
  • Saison 2
  • Continue working through the TV5Monde activities posted two weeks ago
  • Begin reading one of the two novels accessible on Teams
  • Let me know if you’re doing optional, level up work. Submit this to me on Teams by Friday, May 15th Level Up Optional Practice