Wednesday, September 30, 2020

French 9

Français 9 Team

Bonjour les amis!

It’s virtual Wednesday and you have an assignment this afternoon. Please follow instructions & complete it this afternoon.  

  • A-L students will hand it in in class tomorrow.
  • M-Z students, please come to the classroom tomorrow morning and put your work in the envelope attached to the door.

Your task is to show what you know & create a comic in French!

  1. Divide a sheet of paper into 6 boxes
  2. Include text and an image in each box. This can include speech bubbles for dialogue. There is no need to colour or fine-line the images … the artwork will not be evaluated 🙂 
  3. Only use words or phrases that you have learned in French class this year!
  4. Your objective is to show how you can use a variety of the language & vocabulary we’ve been practising. 
  5. Check your spelling and accents.

You must include the following:

  • A minimum of 2 greetings
  • A minimum of 4 questions
  • A variety of vocabulary (school words, weather phrases, numbers, seasons, useful classroom expressions etc) that make sense in the context of your comic
  • Two negative statements (using ‘non’ and/or ‘ne…pas’)

When you have finished your comic, log in to the Language Gym and work through any assignments that you have not yet completed. 


French 11

Français 11 Team

  • Ensure that your classwork from today is completed (Ch 3 in your package)
  • Continue working on your castle research (You must be ready to share on Friday)
  • Read the following article about knights

    Qui sont les chevaliers ?

  • Write down 5 new vocabulary words & what they mean
  • Write 3 interesting facts (en français bien sûr!) from the article


Tuesday, September 29, 2020

French 9

Français 9 Team

Please continue to study the new vocabulary and language chunks that you have been practising in class

  • If you haven’t completed making ‘Est-ce que’ questions with weather phrases, please complete & be ready to hand them in on the next class day
  • Return to your notes, Quizlet, online sites in the learning stations handout or Language Gym to study vocabulary for
    • numbers  p10-11
    • school supplies, places and people in the school    p23-25
    • talking about your timetable or schedule at school & courses   p26
    • different ways of greeting & saying goodbye to people   p14
    • asking & telling the date or season   p12
    • using basic expressions, questions & phrases in class    p16



French 11

Français 11 Team

To continue to prepare for the assessment at the end of the unit (coming up at the end of the week!):