Friday, October 30, 2020

French 9

Français 9 Team

To be prepared for Monday:

  • review the ‘rules’ about placement & agreement of describing words  p.32-33
  • Review the new vocabulary for describing yourself & family members (physical and personality) 
  • Review ‘se sentir’ and the words we can use to talk about feelings  p39
  • Ensure you have completed class work p42-45
  • Complete the interpretive work on Pets on p46-49
  • Complete Language Gym assignments 

Next Week:

  • learning check in for IR and RE verbs on Wednesday
  • Napoléon interpretive assessment on Friday



French 11

Français 11 Team

All Students, complete the following before your next class on Monday or Tuesday:

  • Read & review p 2-3 of your new unit package
  • Read chapters 1 & 2 of Au revoir l’Acadie
  • Complete the quick ‘Who is it?’  p 4 of unit package
  • Review discussion questions on p 5 & be prepared to talk on Monday

Students M-Z:

To make up for the missed discussion in class today, please do the following by Tuesday:

  • Watch the film by Frédéric Back, Crac!
  • Watch the film, La Chasse-Galérie
  • Do research, if necessary, to learn about the significance of the stories
  • Write a one page essay, in English, to show your understanding of the cultural and historical context of Le chandail de hockey, Crac! and La Chasse-Galérie

***If you were away today, please come and see me to receive your last unit package & novel so that you are prepared for class next week

***There will be quick learning check ins (oral, interpretive and written assessments) throughout the next two weeks. You can be prepared by staying focused, and completing the reading & novel work assigned each day

Thursday, October 29, 2020

French 9

Français 9 Team



French 11

Français 11 Team

All Students (at home & in class today):


Students A-L, complete the following before your next class on Monday:

  • If you were away today, please come and see me to receive your last unit package & novel so that you are prepared for class on Monday
  • Read & review p 2-3 of your new unit package
  • Read chapters 1 & 2 of Au revoir l’Acadie
  • Complete the quick ‘Who is it?’  p 4 of unit package
  • Review discussion questions on p 5 &  be prepared to talk on Monday


Wednesday, October 28, 2020

French 9

Français 9 Team

1.To review & prepare for your interpretive, Napoléon assessment on Friday

2.To follow up with today’s class work on la famille & practise numbers to 100

  • Complete the activities up to p 31


  • Presentational assessment tomorrow – ER verbs from p 32 of your 1st unit package


French 11

Français 11 Team

Bonjour les amis à la maison 🙂

You have the following tasks to work through before your next class:

  1. Finish working through your comprehension of Le chandail de hockey
    • Watch the National Film Board of Canada’s film version of the story (if you haven’t already)
    • Read at least the first 2 pages of the story in French
    • Complete the questions handed out in class
    • Be ready to retell main parts in French & discuss
  2. Find out 5 interesting facts about the Canadian artist & film maker, Frédéric Back
    • Then, watch his highly acclaimed short film, Crac!


Tuesday, October 27, 2020

French 9

Français 9 Team

Make sure you have completed your class work up to the end of p 23

Suggestions for review & practice today:

  • There are 3 assignments posted on Language Gym for you to complete before Monday
    • Describing hair & eyes must be completed by Saturday!
  • Study for your ER verb/vocab learning check in on Thursday.
  • Review the Napoléon stories to prepare for your interpretive assessment on Friday


French 11

Français 11 Team

All Students (at home & in class today):

  • Watch the short film version of Le Chandail de Hockey here
  • You may need to watch it more than once for comprehension
  • Next, start working through the vocabulary and questions handed out in class
    • It would be beneficial for you to read at least the first 2 pages of the story as you learn the vocabulary & answer the questions. If you have time & want to extend your learning, go ahead and try to read the whole story.
  • You will have some time tomorrow to finish up, but there will be another short film and some reading to do in the morning as well. Plan your time accordingly!


Monday October 26, 2020

French 9

Français 9 Team

Napoléon Review

To be prepared for class tomorrow:

  • Complete p17 of your Moi, ma famille & mes amis unit

Assessments this week:

  • Books 1-4 of Napoléon – interpretive assessment on Friday
  • ER verbs (including daily routine verbs) – presentational (writing) on Thursday


French 11

Français 11 Team

M-Z Students who are at home this morning:

  • Read this Globe & Mail article (in English) about a popular French-Canadian story. It will give you some insight into French Canada and help you to better understand our next unit topic An allegory about Canada keeps finding new life – The Globe and Mail
  • Keep preparing for your end of unit assessments tomorrow – conversation, reading & interpreting, writing travel-related phrases & questions in French

A-L for homework:

  • Read the article linked above 🙂



Thursday, October 22, 2020

French 9

Français 9 Team

1. To be prepared for class next Monday, please complete all class & home work assigned:

  • Saying when my birthday is p 8-9
  • Saying where I live p 10-12
  • Talking about my daily routine p 14-16

The above activities provide review and repetition of vocabulary and structures that we have been working with since the beginning of the quarter. 

2. If you have time, you can also review the Napoléon stories we have read so far. 

  • Practise reading the questions & answers you have already completed
  • Re-listen to the audio stories
  • Use the pictures as a guide & try to say sentences about them 

  Bon weekend à vous tous 🙂


French 11

Français 11 Team

All Students:

Be ready to share your trip plans & to show what you can do & understand with this unit topic on Monday & Tuesday next week! 

For today

1.Read the infographic on p60 about French people & their vacation plans for 2014 

  • Complete the questions on p61

2. Work through the questions on p 62-64

  • The questions relate to each bolded word down the left side of the chart … Make sure you know what those words mean! 
  • Jot down your ideas in French under  ‘moi’

3. Take your time to complete Part III and refer to your unit packages to check your use of past tense. 

M-Z Students who are at home:

  • You can skip the ‘partenaire’ portion of this exercise. BUT, if there is someone available to work with virtually (or a family member), that would give you more practice with the vocabulary



Wednesday, October 21st, 2020

French 9

Français 9 Team

  1. For review and practise tonight:

2. Complete p 6-7 in your new unit package – Talking about my age

    • Follow instructions carefully & complete the activities in their numerical order


French 11

Français 11 Team

Bonjour les amis à la maison 🙂

You have a series of tasks to work through this morning!

1.Listen to this song

  • Then, work through the lyrics on p 66-67 of your unit package
  • Notice the tense! 

2. Next, work through the Level Up writing task on p48-49 of your unit package to practise writing on the topic of travel. You might even be able to incorporate some of your new airport/airplane vocabulary in your work 😉

3. Lastly, start planning your trip! You will orally share your trip plans on Mon/Tues next week with two partners. Please see this document to help you to prepare Le voyage – conversation

    • You may choose to have screen shots on your phone of the places you will visit on your trip. It is not required, but may help some of you to better describe and explain. Only choose this option if you feel it will be helpful
    • No need to memorize all of the information. You may have notes in English of your trip plans.


Tuesday, October 20th, 2020

French 9

Français 9 Team

  • Write 20 questions to ask a partner to find out as much as possible about them
    • Use a variety of question words 
    • Vary the question type (long form or short form)
    • Use a variety of irregular and regular verbs
    • Use two verbs in some questions (Ex.  Do you like to ____? Do you want to ____?Are you going to _____?
    • Use a variety of words for time/frequency  (often, sometimes, always, never)



French 11

Français 11 Team


  • Complete readings on p 42-45
    • Make a vocab list from the readings (Choose max of 5 from the handout for p43)
    • Use your new vocab in sentences for practice in talking about travel
    • Challenge yourself to use the future, the conditional & the subjunctive in your sentences
  • Spend time reviewing new vocabulary & structures of this unit.
  • Check the blog tomorrow morning for assigned Virtual Wednesday work!



  • Please finish incomplete work before class on Thursday! (Pronoun practice & verb structures)



Monday, October 19th, 2020

French 9

Français 9 Team



French 11

Français 11 Team


  • Please finish incomplete work before class on Thursday!
  • Complete readings on p 42-45
    • Make a vocab list from the readings (Choose max of 5 from the handout for p43)
    • Use your new vocab in sentences for practice in talking about travel
    • Challenge yourself to use the future, the conditional & the subjunctive in your sentences

    Students M-Z:

  • Be ready to present your infographics tomorrow
    • Be prepared to tell and discuss, not simply read off your paper!
  • Make sure your sentences using the subjunctive are complete and ready to share


Friday, October 16th, 2020

French 9

Français 9 Team

Bon weekend les neuvièmes!

  1. Practise the new verbs you practised in class today p33
    • There will be a learning check in on Monday to see if you understand these words when you see them on paper

     2. Practise the sentences about the daily routine on p 40-41

    • Write 5 ‘Est-ce que…’ questions using actions from the daily routine to ask a partner on Monday

French 11

Français 11 Team


  1. Complete the practice work on p57 (futur + si…)
  2. Review the expressions on p58 that are always followed by le subjonctif
    • Make notes in English if there are any expressions that you do not understand
    • Study the endings & how to form the subjunctive – including irregulars on p59!
    • The irregulars are very commonly used in daily speech! Memorize them 🙂

    3.  At the bottom of the page, write 10 sentences using the language chunks from p58.

    • Make sure to use the correct subjunctive in the second part of the sentence.
    • Remember that the language chunks that start with ‘il’ are impersonal. You don’t change the ‘il’ to any other subject. For example:  You cannot say Elle faut que… or Je faut que ….  that doesn’t make any sense!

  4.    Go to the Questions Pour Madame channel and reply to the conversation

     5.   All students will orally present country infographics and ask/answer questions next class  

    • A-L  on Monday
    • M-Z on Tuesday