Tuesday, October 27, 2020

French 9

Français 9 Team

Make sure you have completed your class work up to the end of p 23

Suggestions for review & practice today:

  • There are 3 assignments posted on Language Gym for you to complete before Monday
    • Describing hair & eyes must be completed by Saturday!
  • Study for your ER verb/vocab learning check in on Thursday.
  • Review the Napoléon stories to prepare for your interpretive assessment on Friday


French 11

Français 11 Team

All Students (at home & in class today):

  • Watch the short film version of Le Chandail de Hockey here
  • You may need to watch it more than once for comprehension
  • Next, start working through the vocabulary and questions handed out in class
    • It would be beneficial for you to read at least the first 2 pages of the story as you learn the vocabulary & answer the questions. If you have time & want to extend your learning, go ahead and try to read the whole story.
  • You will have some time tomorrow to finish up, but there will be another short film and some reading to do in the morning as well. Plan your time accordingly!


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