Thursday, January 7, 2021

French 9

Français 9 Team

All Students:

Next week there will be a learning check-in for the questions & expressions that we use in class (p 16 unit 1)

Students A-L:

Before your next class:

    • Make sure your class work from today is complete – p 33-36 “Moi, ma famille & mes amis” unit book 
      • Corrections/review that we didn’t do in class will be posted after tomorrow for you to review on your own (p25-32)
    • Then, complete p 37-42 tomorrow/over the weekend
    • Review vocabulary & structures from Napoléon et Mimi on p 39
    • Re-read the story here Napoleon & Mimi
    • Listen to the audio of the story here

      ***Make sure that incomplete Language Gym activities are finished by Friday! You were supposed to complete them at home on Wednesday during your virtual learning time.

Students M-Z:

To be prepared for class tomorrow

  • Please complete ALL of the 2 Language Gym activities assigned yesterday
  • Make sure you have completed the Napoléon questions and p 28-32 in your unit pkg

French 10

Français 10 Team

To be prepared for class tomorrow:

  • Make sure you have completed all class work up to/including page 33

***You have tonight and tomorrow to complete the online Language Gym activities


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