FR 10 Bloc 3
For class today, students
- orally worked through the key questions to talk about when they were younger p 81
- had time to work on the online Language Gym tasks
To be ready for class tomorrow, please
- review the vocab & structures from the unit to prepare for your end of unit write
- sentence builders include key structures & vocabulary
- short texts throughout the package include connecting words & show how to combine ideas to make some complex sentences
FR 11 Bloc 4
For class today, students
- discussed the 6 symbols of France that they had researched
- watched the following video about taking care of one’s heritage
- read the transcript on p 6 for comprehension & vocabulary
To be ready for class tomorrow
- review the new vocabulary you’ve been exposed to so far in this unit
FR 12 Bloc 5
For class today, students
- finished reading the Roch Carrier story “Le joueur de basket-ball”
For tomorrow
- review new vocabulary & structures from the story
- be prepared to discuss the events of the story & it’s cultural relevance