Thursday, April 14, 2022

FR 10  Bloc 3

Français 10 Team

The Language Gym

For class today, students

  • did their end of unit writing assessment
  • received their new unit packages & novels

To be ready for class on Tuesday

  • Read page 2-3 of the new novel & complete the activities on p 2-3 of the unit workbook


FR 11  Bloc 4

Français 11 Team

The Language Gym

For class today, students

  • did their end of unit reading interpretive
  • continued to share their castle of choice with partners & self-assessed their oral skills


  • end of unit write on Tuesday
  • bring all of your unit packages 🙂


FR 12  Bloc 5

Français 12 Team

The Language Gym

In class today

  • students asked & answered questions about the petit Nicolas story
  • read articles about the electoral system in France & familiarized themselves with the major party platforms for the current election

To be ready for class on Tuesday

  • be prepared to discuss the election, to give your opinions on the best platform & to challenge yourselves to use compare/contrast vocabulary
  • consider looking through the new unit handed out. We’ll be starting the environment unit on Tuesday!