Thursday, April 21, 2022

FR 10  Bloc 3

Français 10 Team

The Language Gym

For class today, students

  • started reading Chapitre 2 of ‘Les étrangers’ & working through activities

To be ready for class on Monday

  • Make sure that Chapitre 2 reading & activities are complete


FR 11  Bloc 4

Français 11 Team

The Language Gym

For class today, students

  • worked through the Chapitre 1 questions of the novel & the related activities
  • started reading the non-fiction texts in the unit about Louis XVI & Marie-Antoinette p 15 -18

To be ready for class on Monday

  • finish reading the texts & complete the activities on p 16 and 19 
    • Pay close attention to new vocabulary & past tense structures


FR 12  Bloc 5

Français 12 Team

The Language Gym

In class today

  • students discussed Greta Thunberg & their essential questions about the environment
  • practised pronunciation of new vocabulary/phrases p 10-11
  • worked through the interpretive reading tasks on p 14-17

To be ready for class on Monday

  • review new vocabulary
  • continue working through the online Language Gym assignments to develop your vocabulary to discuss the environment

***As extra practice with new vocabulary, consider writing some short paragraphs 

    1. Quels sont les enjeux majeurs de l’environnement (dans ton quartier, dans ta province, dans ton pays ou dans le monde)?
    2. De quelles façons protèges-tu l’environnement? 
    3. Décris un.e ami.e ou membre de ta famille et les gestes qu’iel fait qui sont néfastes pour l’environnement.