Friday, May 6, 2022

FR 10  Bloc 3

Français 10 Team

The Language Gym

For class today, students

  • had partner conversations to discuss the book
  • spent some time at the end of class reviewing questions, challenges & brainstorming possible follow up questions

To be ready for class next week

  • continuing reviewing the story, the vocabulary you need, & questions you want to ask
  • conversations will continue on Monday!

FR 11  Bloc 4

Français 11 Team

The Language Gym

For class today, students

  • learned about the connection between the history of Marie-Antoinette’s necklace, the well-known fictional French burglar named Arsène Lupin and the Netflix series called Lupin. Then, they watched the French trailer for the series. 
  • started their new unit on travel
  •  watched this video
  • practised using prepositions on p 12 – 13

To be ready for class next week

  • make sure your work on p 12-13 is complete & study them
  • submit your end of unit book talk to me on Teams by 6pm on Sunday FR 11 Book Review Podcast


FR 12  Bloc 5

Français 12 Team

The Language Gym

In class today, students

  • reviewed their interpretive listening work on p 40
  • interviewed several partners during speed conversations on the topic of the environment
  • started the interpretive reading activity, La Terre s’épuise, on p 41-42

To be ready for class next week

  • do the activities for the article on p 43
  • click on the YouTube link to listen to the video & answer the questions on p 44

***I have extended the dates on the online Language Gym activities related to the environment. Please do them!

*** End of unit infographic details (due date to be determined at the beginning of the week) 

       FR 12 Infographic







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