Tuesday, April 9th, 2019

French 10

  • Great presentation of your novel re-writes today!
  • Review the vocabulary and structures from the handout to practice talking about what you did during the day

French 11

  • Re-read at least the first 2 pages of Le joueur de basketball
  • Work through the questions that are related to those first pages
  • Make a vocabulary list & study it. Then, try to use some of the new vocabulary in your own sentences.

French 12

  • Try to further develop and finish your piece of writing for Le Portrait
  • I will allow you a few minutes (only) at the beginning of class to finish up; then, you will be sharing your texts with 2-3 partners & giving/receiving feedback
  • Review the vocabulary you have been exposed to through recent texts and the handouts on connecting words/transitions (Can you use them in your own writing?)

Participating in the A2 level DELF exam tomorrow?

  • Plan to arrive at Terry Fox for 8:40
  • Find room 227





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