Monday, September 30th, 2019

French 9

  • Suggestions for review:
    • Practise writing more ‘est-ce que’ questions using action words that you have learned so far and school vocabulary
    • Practise writing and saying full sentences that use the school vocabulary and action words….For example,  Je vais au gymnase. J’aime l’education physique…etc


French 10

  • Continue to review vocabulary & language structures needed to talk about your daily routines
  • On p 23, finish writing the question & answer in the past
  • Choose 10 of the action words we reviewed between ‘donner’ and ‘partir’ on p 32 and write a sentence for each (past form)





Friday, September 27th, 2019

French 9

  • Suggestions for review:
    • writing places in the school & subjects from your semester 1 timetable
    • practising to say the useful classroom expressions on p 16
    • learning vocabulary for the school supplies that you use


French 10

  • Continue to review vocabulary & language structures needed to talk about your daily routines
  • Choose 10 of the first 17 verbs we reviewed on p 32 & write a sentence for each using the past form action





Thursday, September 26th, 2019

French 9

  • Suggestions for review:
    • places & people in the school p 24-25
    • school subjects  p 26


French 10

  • Continue to review vocabulary & language structures needed to talk about your daily routines
  • Complete the practice sentences worked on during class
    • p 16 & 17  #21-25





Wednesday, September 25th, 2019

French 9

  • Suggestions for review:
    • weather phrases to answer “Quel temps fait-il?”
    • useful classroom expressions
    • vocabulary for school supplies


French 10

  • Continue to review vocabulary needed to talk about your daily routines
  • Review the structures we looked at today for “talking about what people did for themselves”
    • Please complete the short practice exercise #19 at the bottom of the page and #20 on the following page





Tuesday, September 24th, 2019

French 9

  • Review the “Useful Classroom Expressions” we have been practising  on p. 16
  • Practice the school supplies vocabulary on p. 23
  • Finish your 5 questions & answers on p 22 (using only the structures & vocab from class)


French 10

  • Continue to practise and review the vocabulary needed to discuss daily routines
  • Re-read the two cultural readings in your unit booklet & create 5-7 questions about the texts
    • At the beginning of class tomorrow, you will ask & answer questions about the texts with partners
    • Make a point of using any new vocabulary you have learned from the text




Monday, September 23rd, 2019

French 9

  • Continue to review vocabulary and concepts studied so far:  numbers, weather, dates & seasons, useful classroom expressions, and expressions with ‘avoir’ that we worked with today on p 21
  • Remember that “studying” requires more than looking at the page or word list. You need to DO SOMETHING with the words (write them, say them aloud, make cue cards, teach them to someone else, make pictures to match the words, act them out, put them in a comic strip…..)


French 10

  • Re-read the first page of the cultural reading from today’s class on pages 18-19
    • Working through a text means that you have circled or highlighted new words & made some notes in English or your language of choice
  • Watch the following video. Your first activity in class tomorrow will be to ask and answer questions about Trotro’s routine




Thursday, September 19th, 2019

French 9

  • Continue to review vocabulary and concepts studied so far
  • Prepare for your interpretive learning check in on Monday
    • key time words on p 13


French 10

  • Over the weekend, review the vocabulary and structures we have worked with so far in the unit – words to talk about your daily routines and activities & words to extend your answers, give details & explain why
  • If you were away, make sure you have completed the practice work from class today
    • Read the dialogue on p 11 & answer the ques
    • Follow instructions on p 13 & practise using the structures/answering in full sentences on p 12 (See p4 for verb ending pattern)
    • Complete p 14 oral practice
  • Sorry! The board notes file didn’t upload! You’ll have to look up or get vocab notes from a friend in class 🙁





Wednesday, September 18th, 2019

French 9


  • Practice answering and asking about  today’s weather   p 18 & 19 in your unit package


French 10

  • Complete your full sentence answers to the questions on p 8 & 9 and finish your paragraph of advice to your partner to be prepared for class tomorrow







Monday, September 16th, 2019

French 9

  • Practice numbers 1 – 30
  • Look at the colour words on page 17 of your package. Check the meanings of the words (even if you think you already know them!) and highlight with the correct colour. Hint:  most pencil crayons have the words written in both English and French
  • Leave ‘brun’ and ‘marron’ for class tomorrow, please.
  • Find the meaning for the 3 words at the bottom of the page as they relate to colour words
  • Review useful French expressions in the classroom


French 10

  • Continue to study the vocabulary and phrases to talk about what you typically do
  • Finish your “cercle d’amitié” work from class today on page 6
    • To be prepared for class tomorrow, make sure that you have written the questions for part B and remembered to use different forms of questions
    • Write the sentences that describe your morning routine
    • Write the sentences about your partner







Friday, September 13th, 2019

French 9

Bon weekend à tous 🙂

Use some time this weekend to continue to review and practise all of the things we have used and looked at this week.

  • alphabet and sounds
  • numbers 1 – 20 and counting by 10s to 100
  • days of the week, months and seasons:  Do you know how to ask and give the date?
  • key words related to timeframes (p13 in your unit package)
  • introducing yourself or a friend
  • understanding practised questions:  How old are you? How old is s/he? What is your name? What is her/his name?



French 10

Bonne fin de semaine 🙂

  • Please take time to review the new vocabulary and structures on the first page of your unit package – Une journée typique
  • Write 5 interesting follow up questions that you could ask a partner who is using the phrases we practised on page 1
    • For example, if your partner says, “Je prends le petit déjeuner à 7hoo.”  You could ask why they eat so early, what they eat, where they eat, if they prepare breakfast themselves, etc….