Tuesday, May 19, 2020

French 9

Français 9 Team



Here’s a Québécois song to start the week 🙂

This week is your end of unit writing assessment. The objective of this task is to show that you can use the simple structures and vocabulary learned so far to tell a story.

  • Follow these instructions carefully:  Napoléon – End of Unit Writing
  • Do NOT use any resources other than your unit 1 package and your work from the Napoléon stories. Do NOT write your story in English & translate.
  • Think about how you can communicate your story idea with the structures, words and phrases you have learned so far.
  • Please type your story as a Word Doc and submit on Teams by Thursday at 4:30.






  • Expand your vocabulary and comprehension by listening to a different story each day. There are 30 stories in Saison 1!
  • With parent permission, sign up for a Duolingo account and spend 5 minutes a day learning new vocabulary and challenging your skills
  • Choose a different section from your Unit 1 package to review each day. A lot of novice work is memorization of basic vocabulary and expressions! Make cue cards, use Quizlet, call a friend from class to speak in French, practise using vocabulary and structures in your own sentences & questions  … or teach someone at home what you know!
  • Let me know if you are doing optional, extra work to extend your learning of French. Submit this on Teams by Monday, May 25th   Level-Up-Optional-Practice
  • If you don’t participate in the optional activities, please don’t turn in the handout.


French 11

Français 11 Block 3 Team

Français 11 Block 4 Team



We are beginning a mini unit on healthy living. This week, you will develop some new vocabulary to be able to communicate in French on this topic. Read these student-created infographics which share their opinions on various aspects of maintaining a healthy lifestyle:

  1. Make a list of new vocabulary.
  2. Make note of structures used to convey information.
  3. Complete the Interpretive Questions Handout on Teams by Friday, May 22 at 4:30.




  • Begin or continue to read one of the novels accessible on Teams until the end of May. Reading is a great way to expand your vocabulary, improve sentence structure and immerse yourself in the language while confined at home!
  • Write or record a journal entry for this week …  or a poem or story or song. You could participate in this Canadian Parents for French Poetry Contest


  • Let me know if you’re doing optional, extra work. Submit this on Teams by Monday, May 25th at 4:30 Level-Up-Optional-Practice


French 12

Français 12 Team



  • Complete Leçon 3:  La Déforestation
    • The lesson begins with a quick read & a group discussion. You can choose to do this alone or remotely with a partner
    • Part III includes a rapid interview activity. Rather than 10 classmates (since we are not yet together in the classroom), choose three people that you can ask & answer questions with over the phone, Skype, FaceTime etc.
    • For Part V, you need this article Deforestation1  Deforestation2
    • You have likely noticed that the articles are outdated! Though facts & figures have changed since these were written, they are still a good interpretive read for vocabulary development.
  • Submit your handout to Teams by Thursday, May 28th   la déforestation
  • Spend some time reviewing the vocabulary and structures you have been practising throughout this unit. You will be participating in small group conversations on this topic  early in the first week of June.
  • Review your Leçon 2 answers by checking the attachment to your assignment in Teams



  • Participate in this Canadian Parents for French Poetry contest


  • Create a French music playlist & post your favourite song on the Questions pour Madame Channel with a link so that others can hear it too
  • Watch new Alice in Paris episodes
  • Saison 2
  • Continue working through the TV5Monde activities posted a few weeks ago
  • Begin or continue reading one of the two novels accessible on Teams
  • Let me know if you’re doing optional, level up work. Submit this to me on Teams by Friday, May 29th Level-Up-Optional-Practice

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