Thursday, September 24, 2020

French 9

Français 9 Team


All students A-Z:

  • You have an extra day at home this weekend. Please set aside at least 20 minutes each day to practise your French skills
    • Especially, spend time memorizing, saying and writing all of the school vocabulary you’ve been practising on pages 23-26 of your unit package
    • school supplies
    • places in the school
    • people who work in the school
    • your timetable/subjects at school (Practise listening & repeating. M-Z students must take notes in English from the audio before our next class!)


  • You can use this Quizlet to practise school words. It has some extra vocabulary that you can add to your unit package to be able to say more things!
  •  I have added an assignment to the Language Gym to practise greetings in French. I expect to hear everyone using French greetings & expressions (page 16) in class 




French 11

Français 11 Team

Pssst…les amis…c’est une longue fin de semaine. Hourra 🙂

Amusez-vous, mais n’oubliez pas de passer du temps à pratiquer votre français!


1.The video for part E on page 21 is here

2. For those needing a refresher, here is a chart that shows how to make describing words ‘agree’  with what they describe   Adjective Ending Chart

3. Continue to practise your use of past tense with assignments posted on Language Gym. The due date may say October, but it would be best if you worked through these as they are posted.

4. To further develop fluency, vocabulary and language structure, choose at least one text we read this week and re-read it aloud. Pay attention to verb tense used (passé composé or imparfait or present).

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